•Chapter Three•

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  They claim God doesn't put you through more you can bare but in my case I'm on my last breathe

  Today was a weird day for me because I actually heard birds chirping this morning. I knew they do it everyday but some how I never pay it any attention. It's actually quite relaxing when you listen to them chirp.

  It's been about two weeks since I last seen Keith. Is it strange that I missed getting phone calls and text messages from him. I haven't had any contact with anybody in a long time. I think it wouldn't hurt to text him and see if he respond or not. My feelings would be hurt if he didn't so I'm just going to wait it out.

  I haven't seen parents in a couple of days now most people would be worried; but not me. I'm glad I can finally experience what life can be like with out them around. No matter how much hell my father puts me through I wouldn't wish death upon him. I know most people would say the hell you don't. I'm just not the type to wish death upon anyone except for myself. I haven't had any suicidal thoughts lately.

   There was a knock on the door which I found to be strange. No one comes here beside my crack head parents friends. Since they both are gone the house has been quiet. I walked over to the door and opened it slowly. There stood two men around my age wearing cowboy hats. I looked them up and down trying to figure out where they were from. I can automatically tell they wasn't from around here.

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