•Chapter Four•

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Sometimes The Strongest Thing You Could Do Is Ask For Help


    This was the last place I thought I'll ever find myself. I really didn't have anywhere to go so this was my last resort. I knocked on the door and an young boy answered.

"OMG is it really you.. Grandma grandma cousin Sam is here" he said excitedly as he pulled me inside. I walked in and looked around at all the pictures on the wall. I see my grandma hasn't change the place since I seen it last. My grandmother stepped from out of the kitchen looking at me weird. I figure she didn't recognized me or something but the look turned into a death stare.

"Hey grandma how are you are" I asked trying to break the ice. The last time I seen my grandma Emily Rose was being taken away and she blamed me. I don't understand how it was my fault. It was her son who couldn't keep his hands of her.

"Billy go get ready for supper" she said never taking her eyes of me. "You have some nerve coming here after what you did Samantha. I still don't know why your mother named you after me."

"Till this day I never knew why you blamed me for something I didn't do. It was your son fault, he was molesting your granddaughter. You really think he was so innocent but he really wasn't. It kills me to be born into this messed up family. Usually when your parents don't love you, you could find comfort from your grand parents. I didn't have anywhere else to go, I can't take living in that house anymore" I said holding back tears. I wasn't trying to waste any tears on this rotten family of mines.

"Samantha are you still playing the victim. I mean doesn't it get old over awhile. You were always trouble since you were born. I mean your mother was in labor for almost two days with you. So let me guess you ran away because my son supposedly is molesting you too".

"No he's not molesting me but he does use me as a punching bag. I just wanted to feel loved from my family and that never happened. I knew everyone love Emily more than me but I'm your first grandchild for God's sake".

"Yeah I know and unfortunately I can't change that. So how long do you need to stay here. This isn't a shelter so you will cook and clean. I'll call you dad and let him know your safe"

"I would rather you didn't, then he'll come for me. I just need a couple of weeks to figure out my next move. I don't want to be burden to you so I'll stay out your way"

"Fine you have three days, any longer than that I'm calling your father to come collect you" she said walking back in the kitchen. I just stood there trying to figure out why the hell I came here for. All the places I choose to go I picked his mother house. I really thought she would have been willing to help me. My phone started ringing and it was Keith. After twenty years now he wants to call me.....


"Sammie where are you? I over heard your mother said you ran away. Why didn't you come to me first?"

"I don't know Keith maybe because I figured you didn't care. I needed to get away from there quick. My mother owed some guys money and they were coming for me if she didn't pay them."

"What guys Samantha? How did they look"

"The only thing I really remember was cowboy hats. They both had on cowboys hats and timbs which I thought was strange"

"Your mother just signed her life away dealing with those guys. I can't protect her but I can keep you safe; come back home Samantha..Please" he said literally begging me.

"I can't Keith, I just need some time right now. I don't want to look at that building anymore. I don't need any reminders of how shitty my life really is. I had enough of that for the day. I have to go Keith... No one can save me...I'm on my own"

I pressed the end the button and sat on the couch. I knew staying here eventually my father would come for me. I can't go back home and those guys would find me. I think I'm all out of options once again. I think its best I leave New York altogether and start over somewhere. Once I'm settled I can come back for Emily Rose.

For now its just me, myself and I!

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