•Chapter Nineteen•

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"Love em or leave em"


  I just came from the group home Emily was at. It still bothers my soul how the hell she ran away from there. The way everything is locked down I wouldn't expect anyone to escape. This wasn't something Emily would do she must of have help; but who.

    As I drove back to the building something else pop in my head. How about someone signed her out? Like the state said if my parents provided a safe environment for her she would get release. So if that was the case I wouldn't have been notified. They would have made sure she never spoke to me again.

    As I pulled up into the parking lot I seen Casey creeping around the building. Oh hell no I guess that karate chop to the chest didn't work. I hopped out the car and made my way over to her. Keith walk out of the building and started talking with her. A trigger went off in my head as I ran over and snatched her ass up. Keith was saying something but I wasn't trying to hear him.

  "Sammie would you let that girl go" he said pulling me off her.

  "What the hell is she doing over here? Keith I swear if you creeping with her its going to be your ass"

  "Samantha if you would listen I could explain whats going on" he said shaking me. I looked deeply into his eyes and threw my hands up to surrender. I probably should have asked questions first before jumping on ol girl.

   "So what's going on here?" I asked impatiently.

  "I'm only here because I have some information that you guys need" she said stepping closer to me. "Then again I shouldn't tell your ass nothing" she added. My jaw clenched as I balled up my fist. Keith stepped in front of me so I couldn't swing on her.

  "Casey lets not get crazy here, I could end your life in four seconds. So for now just talk to me and not what about her"

"Um her is standing right here. Don't get slapped Tyree!"

  "Chill the fuck out Samantha, damn!"

   I stood there shock as hell Keith has never raised his voice at me before. Strangely enough that shit turned me on even more. I didn't say a word but I bit down on lip thinking about the ways I wanted to make him nut tonight. I guess the saying is true 'once you pop the fun don't stop'.

  "I know where Luke have her at but we have to leave tonight. He usually goes over to my grandma house to spend the night with her. So that's the only time to have access to her"

   "Access to who if you don't mind me asking"

   I noticed Casey give him a strange look. Keith looked back at me with sad eyes.

  "Keith you didn't tell her?"she questioned.

  "Tell me what?!!?"

  "Luke kidnapped your sister and Casey is here to help get her back"

  "My sister. As in Emily Rose. My baby girl. Where do he have her?"I asked with tears falling from my eyes.

   "He have her in a cabin out in the rural parts. Like I said tonight we make our move. I'll be back at midnight!" She said before walking off.

  "You think she's still alive." I asked being hopeful. Keith didn't respond but he pulled me into a tight hug. My mind started to wander around the possibility of her being alive. She had so much to live for, I had so much to teach her as well.

  Midnight couldn't get her quick enough!


  "Did you feed them the bait" I asked Casey. She nodded her head and I smiled on the inside. Everything was all set for tonight then.

  "I just text Keith the location to meet me at tonight"

  "Good now just to move Emily to the new spot and we would be set"

  "What exactly are we going to do with them?" She asked.

  "Don't worry about it just be ready to shoot your way out. Its going down in a serious way"

  Casey just nodded her head at what I said. I know her ass was scared but she better get over it. I'm going to kill Keith and finally have Samantha all to myself.



   I waited until after they finished talking before I sent Keith a quick text. I knew we couldn't trust Casey bitch ass but I got something for that ass. So she basically was leading them to a trap and I'm going to lead her to the cemetery.

   I always get to a job a couple hours ahead just in case. I've been listening to Luke conversation for the past two hours now. My legs done fell asleep but I'm not leaving until I get the exact location of Emily.

  "Casey head over to 36 Peachtree ave and pick up Emily" Luke said in a hurry.

  "Then what??" She asked.

  "Take her to the spot and leave something there of hers. Leave something only Samantha would recognize" he replied. "I'm heading out to collect my money so I'll meet you tonight" he added before slamming the door.

  I heard Casey crying after he left the house. I walked out the closet and made my way down to her room. She was pacing back and forth mumbling some bullshit.

  "Hey Casey, we meet again!" I finally said as she jumped from the sound of my voice.

  "What are you d--doing here?"

  "No time for questions let's take a ride"

She paused for a moment before she started walking towards me. I pushed her against the wall to check her for weapons. Once I finished I knocked her upside the head for being stupid.


   "Let's go get Emily and don't try nothing stupid" I said as we both got out the car. Emily had a duffle bag as she walked to the car. Apparently whoever had her just left her on the steps. Emily sat quietly in back.

  "He's going to kill me now!" Casey sobbed.

  "Oh shut up you don't have to worry about him killing you. You'll be dead before he even finds out so take it easy. I promise you won't feel a thing"

  She looked at me like I had four heads. I smirked and kept on driving to the spot. Once I pulled up Keith grab Casey out the car. He instructed them to lock her ass in the basement. He motioned for Emily to get out the car. She slowly got out and he pulled her into a hug. I knew Keith had a heart even though he act like he don't.



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