Chapter 3 ~ Creased Paper

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I may not see anything, but I notice a lot more than most. When you can't occupy your mind with your eyes, you have to busy yourself who your other senses. Try it. Blindfold yourself and see how easy it is for you to get bored.

There's only so much you can smell so I mostly listen. Other people's conversations, music, podcasts, the world in general.

And right now I can hear my companion drawing. He's one of the few companions that take the pencils in the reception area.

I like him a bit more already. The soft scratch of a pencil is a lot more soothing than the irritating buzz of a TechWriter.

I suppose I shouldn't bash modern technology. It could be my only hope for the future.

He folds up the paper. I think he puts in his pocket. I can't tell, most people store things in AirCubes, so the sound of somebody putting something on their pocket isn't cemented in my memory.

I remember when I could see. I remember colours. I try not to remember, but when silence takes over so do the memories.

My companion, I think his name is Edd sounds familiar. Familiar from a long time ago. He met a Tom in Form 0 he said.


My train of thought derails as he takes out another piece of paper. Is he writing, or is he drawing? I decide the latter.

"So, you like drawing?" I tentatively ask.

"Umm yea. How'd you guess?"

"Lucky guess,  you were either drawing or writing." I'm about to ask him something but footsteps indicate someone else's arrival.

"Good Morning class!"

Oh for the love of Jehovah, we've got a cheerful one. Ugh.

Edd puts away his paper. This one he folds up more.

One day I'd like to see what he drew.

Candy Candy {TomEdd} Distopian Future AU {Discontinued }Where stories live. Discover now