Chapter Nineteen

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"(B/F) I don't have car right now, so if you need it to go to your job this afternoon you won't have it at your disposal," you informed your friend.

"It's alright, I don't need it anyway," she spared you a glance. You nodded in her direction then went out the front door to wait for Cosette to come pick you up and bring you to 5 Lives.

Cosette pulled up and you hopped in, then you both were off to work. While working yesterday you were searching on your phone for as long as you could for nice cars. Not nice as in expensive fast cars that you wouldn't be able to use to its full potential anyways cause there's speed limits, but affordable ones that were worth the money. Your phone got down to below 10% power so you stopped using it, but your research would continue today as you waited for the day of work to pass.

So that's what you were occupied with as Cosette manned the register and helped people. The only person that was usually necessary each day was the person at the register, as the other just set up the corner game and waited around doing whatever they wanted.

You found a few models you liked and planned to head to that dealership with Mark later. You sent him a text telling him where you were hoping to go and he told you he could take you. It didn't really bug you this wasn't what an ideal date was, but if it meant spending time with this man you'd grown to like despite not wanting someone in your life, it suited you just fine.

4 o'clock finally came and you helped Cosette shut everything down and went outside to wait for Mark. He came not 5 minutes later and soon you were off to the dealership. You made idle chit chat, the lighthearted atmosphere making you happy as you thought about where this relationship was definitely going.

Arriving at your destination, Mark parked the car and you both stepped out. A quick glance around proved to you you were where you wanted to be, and you put both hands on your hips as you nodded in approval. You wandered off to go look around without waiting for someone to talk to you, and the man who was hired to help with selling cars had to hustle after you.

"Welcome ma'am!" He called, making you stop and turn to him, much to his relief. Mark walked up beside you as the man made his way over. "Is there anything in particular you're looking for?"

"I had a few in mind, but if it's alright, I'd like to take a look at them alone," you said respectively.

"Very well," he nodded. "I'll be inside if you need me." He walked away again and you flipped around to inspect the first car on your list of potential vehicles.

"This one looks good," Mark commented, reading the little piece of paper in the corner of the windshield listing the traits of the car, how fast it could go and how many miles each gallon worth of gas could get you and stuff such as.

"How so?" You already knew, you were just curious as to what made him say it was.

"I just know." You tilted your head at him with a 'That's not an answer' face. "I know cars."

"I doubt that," you snapped your gaze back to the vehicle, examining the seats quality through the windows.

"I do!" He insisted. You nodded, your head tilting as far back as it could go before coming back down so your chin landed on your collar bone. He huffed at your disbelief.

"Where did you gain such a vast knowledge of cars?" You asked. He explained as you sauntered to the next option, admiring the paint job as you made your way over. "That story makes no sense."

He let out a loud, exaggerated sigh. "How did you know I was lying?"

"First, you didn't lie very well, so it probably started as a joke which turned to you trying to make me believe you were what you jokingly said you were. Second," you faced him. "The front tire was punctured and slowly leaking air, and you would've noticed if you weren't trying to make your lie so believable."

"They need to get that fixed," he muttered.

"Would you like to go tell them?"

"Sure." He tromped off. You finished surveying the vehicle and turned onto the last one, option three. It was while you were noting all of its good and bad attributes that Mark returned.

"Did I mention you interrupted my recording yesterday?" He asked casually. Your eyes widened as you stopped what you were doing to answer.

"No. I did?"


"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" You cried, regret filling every part of your body. If you had known what he was doing you wouldn't have bothered to consider calling him, but there was no way to know. "You shouldn't have picked up."

"And leave you out there alone with David? I think not," he crossed his arms across his chest. "Besides, it reminded me I'd been playing for 40 minutes and I should probably wrap up," he grinned.

"Even so, I apologize for interrupting you."

"And I forgive you." His eyes found the car you were checking out and he uncrossed his arms. "I like this one."


"Nice color, and the seats look comfy."

"I agree. I think it's the best of the three, so I might just buy it," your eyes ran over the (Color) paint of the CR-V and a corner of your lips turned upwards. Just then, your phone started ringing and you pulled it out. It was the towing place.


"Your car is fixed up," the man said. Your goal was to sell the old thing, but in order to have any luck in selling it, it needed to work. It wasn't ever going to be in tip-top shape but if you could rid yourself of it, then that was fine with you. "You can come pick it up."

"Thank you."


You ended the call to see Mark watching you with interest. "It was the towing place, my car's ready. Do you think you could drive me over there?"

"Of course." You both went back to his car and drove off to the tow place. On the way there, you decided to say something somewhat random but true.

"This is quite a date." Mark laughed at that.


You showed up to the tow place and went inside to talk to the mechanics. They explained a little bit about what they did to your vehicle and some other random bits of information. They wrapped up their speech and you took this chance to tell them your plan for the car.

"I'm actually planning on selling it to someone. Do any of you happen to know someone who's looking for an automobile? Or perhaps a company willing to take it?"

They exchanged looks and mentioned a few places before the one with brown hair told you "We can take it too."

"If you need it, I'm willing to let you have it for a decrease from my paycheck for fixing it."

"We've got a buddy that needs a working car, he'll take it."

"Wonderful, you can have it and I can mail the papers later. Now, the price..."

"How 'bout we won't charge ya for fixing it and you let us have the car for free?" The sandy haired one offered.

"Sounds fair." The bill was big, so you'd look forward to not paying that. You two shook on it and you ambled over to your waiting companion. "It appears I will need a ride home."

"How convenient, I have a car! I could take you home," he smiled goofily.

"Why thank you!" You both got in and Mark started towards your house. "And Mark?"


"Thanks for today."

He put a hand on your leg and nodded. "You're welcome (Y/N)." After a moment's hesitation, you took his hand in your own and held it the whole ride home.

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