May i?

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We where dancing along with the moon light when I stopped dancing and held her close. I took her by the chin and i was shaking a tad bit. I asked her if i  could kiss her, she  nodded her head.

I gently pressed my lips against hers. It was such a perfect moment. We pulled apart for air. She has such a beautiful smile on her face then it drops into a frown. Before I couldn't even speak, I feel a sharp sting in my neck. I collapse onto the floor. The last thing I remember her saying is she's sorry.

I woke up in a cell. Nobody was around. I was back into a dark place left to die.
I began to shed a tear.

Why her? Why me? What happened?

All these questions fludding in my brain.

Maybe father was right after all, I was supposed to die on a rock, not to be happy,king,freedom but death.

I lay down on the cold floor and I brought my legs to my chest. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

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