into attack

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Loki Pov:
I decided to get pay back on what they had done to me. I don't care who I hurt anymore. I'm not the person I used to be.
I snuck onto there ship. I used my magic to look like one of there guards.

When I got in there headquarters I broke my magic to turn back to my self.
Nobody recognizes me, I very offend now that they don't know me.

"Hey its the prisoner!" A guard yelled.
Finally some Action can start.

They all ran over to me and corned me. But it was just a hologram.

"Sorry but you've got the wrong clone" my holographic self said before I stuck all of them in the back with my daggers.

They all fell on the floor slowly dying.

A few called for backup.

I ran down into the bottom of the ship and I see jahira locked up in a cell?
Why is she there?

I walked up to her and crotched down to her.

"Who are you?" She asked.

"I've got a nasty reputation, not a bit of hesitation,you should now my name by now"  I told her with a smirk on my face.

"Loki" she said with tears in her eyes.
I wiped her tears for her.

After all this I still love her? Is this even real life?

"It's me, jahira" I said while kissing her forehead.

"Go... they're  coming for you now" she whispered. But a whole bunch of gards came swarming in.

" You all fall beneath me one way or the other, I am a leader" I screamed.

" You caused me all this pain and sorrow and now you're paying for it!" I screamed while taking my sward and hitting 3 of the guards.

"How did you even get In here ?!" One of the guards asked me.

" I hear a lot of little secrets." I said before slicing his head off.

Jahira stood up and put her hands in the air and with that all the guards where on the floor struggling to get up. She has magic?

" Go now! My father will be coming for you go!" She said.

I left and went back to my safe house. I cleaned the blood off of my sward and daggers.

While I was fighting early I read something off of the projecter.
There planing to use jahiras magic against me.

How foolish of them, I also have magic. So magic against magic huh?

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