Chapter 1

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It had been a while since Hanzo had allowed himself to enjoy the presence of anyone. After the events of the death of his beloved brother. His isolation became a huge issue yet he didn't avoid training nor the meetings necessary to attend.

Jesse had pulled him around the town of one of the states in America. In which the Shimada Clan was just on a week trip, being dragged by the Blackwatch agent who was just a year younger than him to what seemed like a ice cream parlor. Hanzo said nothing other than his choice of ice cream. Chocolate ice cream.

"That's a rather surprisingly excellent choice!"Jesse told him.

Hanzo said nothing else, both males walked around as they talked about how their lives were. Hanzo was rather a bit more open about it.

"Hm....Jesse, I'm rather bored..."The Shimada spoke as they both threw away the empty ice cream bowls. Jesse thought for a bit then pulled Hanzo along with him. Both of them walked in an alley as Hanzo looked at the American with a bit of annoyance. Not appreciating being dragged to areas without his opinion.

"Let's go to a park, I'm sure ya don't enjoy yourself too much!" Jesse said as he moved the trash cart out of the way of a whole.

"What is that? Why is there a hole McCree?"

"Just a shortcut!"

Jesse went through first. Without any reply, Hanzo hesitated for a bit then went through. Meeting up with a empty looking park.

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