Chapter 3

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Sharing their own personal experiences with each other grew a stronger bond between them. Hanzo sat up. His hair picked up most of the grass. Jesse sat up as well, removing the grass that his hair picked up.

"Soft..."The cowboy murmured. He started to braid Hanzo's hair in silence. Though the braids would keep coming undone until his last attempt. Hanzo turned around to look at him.

"Jesse....what's it like to fall in love?"Hanzo asked as he moved his legs from the crossed position to his chest as he wrapped his arms around his legs. He looked at the sky. Jesse looked over at him then at the sky. He let out a sigh as his shoulders relaxed.

"I can't say for sure, but from what I know, it is a lot of a giggly feeling. Everything doesn't feel real and it feels like a fantasy. And....well I suppose you could say..that you want that person for all your life but sometimes it just doesn't work out y'know?"Jesse responded as he removed his hat and ran his hand over his hair. McCree's sight focused on Hanzo who stayed quiet even after Jesse's response. "But as I say, I can't exactly tell ya from my experience since that hasn't happened yet."

"I see..thank you for answering...It's just...I'm remembering our rules..."Hanzo looked over at Jesse, over his shoulder."And.. how we live our lives. Since it is rather different from your life..."

"That so?"

"Yes...our dragons choose who we are meant to be."Hanzo started as Jesse listened. Hanzo ran his hand over his tattooed but covered arm. "But...if our dragons or dragon, were to...choose someone of the same would be not acceptable.."He added as he hide his face into his arms as the braid came undone.

"It happened to my cousin....they fell in love with who they were meant to be...but the elders...didn't like it was of the same gender... So they prevented my cousin from seeing them....But that didn't stop the two... And it the elimination of said soulmate.... I....I fear that it would happen to me...and...or that my dragons choose two different's....hard...To deal with the loss of someone who meant a lot to you....I'm sure you can relate..."Hanzo said as Jesse sighed.

"What happens after that? It is....rather wrong of those elders to discriminate by just a gender!"

"A forced marriage, arranged marriage...The elders want the clan to continue on living. And... it is our rules for so long....And I feel troubled to this...I'm around the age of the dragon's choice and...I do not want for this person to be...end up dead because of our rules..."Hanzo said as he let out the loudest but heaviest sigh he held up. His tensed muscles all relaxed.

The sight of Hanzo Shimada had a saddening atmosphere along with it being a depressing sight. Something Jesse wasn't rather used to it.

Hanzo raised his head as he looked over at Jesse. Who moved a bit closer to redo the braid. Hanzo allowed him as he stayed quiet."That's rather...that's bullocks. Making ya choose between living the life ya totally deserve and the life ya could probably been trying to leave."Jesse said as he let out a huff.

"It is unhelpful, nor avoidable."Hanzo replied.

"But it's yer life ain't it? Then they shouldn't give three shits about it."Jesse said with a hint of annoyance.

"I've told you, it is unavoidable. It we live our lives..."Hanzo said as he moved a bit.

"Forced marriage? What a joke, they just don't want allow anyone to be happy!"Jesse conplained.

"Jesse. Enough. It is rather foolish, but it must be done it seems...Besides...I doubt I could do anything about it even after I am to be the heir to the clan..."Hanzo said quietly.

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