Pinining of the bride

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Tense, my heart cries out for release.

Idle, my body longs to be in motion.

Unsettled, my mind will not cease.

Tranquil, the soul contends with emotion.

Pensive, I stare out the window of my dreams.

Melancholy, The moon gleams silver on my blue.

Apprehensive, my life isn’t going right, or so it seems.

Expectant, I turn my gaze to what is true.

Attentive, the bride’s eyes see the truth move.

Eager, her tongue tastes freedom.

Elated, her ears wait for the air to prove.

Pining, her body trembles, hoping he will come.

Crushed, the bride is denied what she wants.

Questioning, the void still remains.

Nostalgic, the past still haunts.

Trusting, the bride ignores her chains.

Loving, the bridegroom comforts his betrothed.

Guiding, he shows her how to be strong.

Just, he does away with that which is loathed.

Cryptic, he asks her to wait for him, because it won’t be long.

Tense, my heart cries out for release.

Idle, my body longs to be in motion.

Unsettled, my mind will not cease.

Tranquil, the soul contends with emotion.

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