Chapter 2

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Willowkit walked through the camp. sadness filled the air. Willowkit's siblings came up behind her and gasped. There lay their father. Willowkit weeped and her sibling did to.

Splashpelt called them over and they shares tongues with their father one last time. Last time we saw the three kits they were two moons old. Now they're five almost six.

"Mom why can't we see the other cats who um.... left?" Owlkit asked. Three cats died.

"I know you love your dad but you love these cats more." Splashpelt moved over to show Stormcloud and Rabbitear laying on the ground.

"Nooooo!" Shadowkit shouted. He ran to the cats and licked their ears. The other kits came and licked the ears of the best elders ever. (To them you know they loved them.)

"I want dad to be right here mom please move him to us I want them all to surround us. I feel safe with dad maybe I can feel safe with him now." Willowkit meowed.

Tears in her moms eyes she moved her mate over to surround the kits. They are gone but they are with us.

The next day the kits woke up and whimper as they realize the bodies are gone.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own prey gather under Lightning-Rock." Our leader Bumblestar yowls. "The clan has had a great loss. three kits have suffered the most. Now they are ready to become apprentices." He continued.

"Shadowkit, Owlkit and Willowkit please step forward. Shadowkit do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." He purrs

"From now on until you earn you warrior name you will be Shadowpaw Sunrays you will mentor Shadowpaw. Owlkit do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?"

"I do" Owlkit meows loud and clear.

"From now on until you earn you warrior name you will be Owlpaw. Your mentor will be Mapleleaves. Willowkit do you promise to uphold the warrior code even at the cost of your life?"

"I do." Willowkit purrs

"From now on until you earn you warrior name you will be Willowpaw I will be your mentor."

"Shadowpaw, Owlpaw, Willowpaw, Shadowpaw, Owlpaw, Willowpaw, Shadowpaw, Owlpaw, Willowpaw" The clan cheer.

The new apprentices touch noises with their mentors. Willowpaw and Bumblestar walked out of camp.

"We are going to look around the territory. After we will look at you hunters crouch. If its good we'll hunt if not I'll help you fix it." He meowed.

"I'm so excited. I'm honored to be your apprentice." Willowpaw meows looking ahead. She follows Bumblestar and they go around their territory.

"Now let's see your crouch." He whispers. Willowpaw goes low to the ground her tail straight and belly fur barley touching the ground. Bummblestar nodded and pointed his tail to a fat black bird.

Willowpaw crept close making sure her tail didn't move. Once she was a couple mouse lengths away she leaped and bit the throat. The bird went limp and she stood up proudly.

"Nice work. Lets hunt somewhere else." Bumblestar meows. Willowpaw buries her prey and follows her mentor.

"We've hunted a lot lets go. You know just because I'm leader doesn't mean you can't talk to me." Bumblestar meows.

"I'm sorry I'm just not used to you know having a mentor and having the leader is even weirder." She admitted. Bumblestar purrs.

"Let's go." He leads the way and they get back to camp. Willowpaw and Bumblestar put their prey in the fresh-kill pile and walk to their dens.

Willowpaw flops down in her nest and closes her eyes. Her siblings come in just as tired and lay down next to each other. They all fell asleep.

Sunlight came through the entrance of the apprentice den. The three apprentices Shadowpaw, Owlpaw, and Willowpaw sit up. Gingerpaw, who was almost a warrior, ran out of the den knocking over the new apprentices.

"That was rude." Mutters Owlpaw. The other two nod in agreement. Shadowpaw crawls out of the den his sisters right behind him. They wash their pelts and get up.

"I think we're the first up, rather than Gingerpaw." Owlpaw guesses.

"Yeah maybe..." Willowpaw trails off. They look around and see a few warrior getting out of their den. The deputy and Leader are awake.

"Yeah I don't think we're the first." Shadowpaw meows. "Let's go see our mentors." He suggests.

They all leave looking for their mentors. Shadowpaw and Owlpaw find theirs. Willowpaw does to.

"What are we doing today?" Willopaw aksed Bumblestar.

"We are battle practicing." He replied.

They walk to the training cave. The cave had a place were there was lots of light. There was anther without light.

"The place with light is training for day battle the dark is for the night battle training." He explained.

"I want to train in the dark-place my pelt will hide my pelt and I see a few things I can use." Willowpaw asked.

"I'll walk around like I'm on patrol. You attack and keep you claws in. We'll fight do your best." Bumblestar agrees.

Willowpaw crouches down and watches Bumblestars every move.

He turns around and she pounces on him. He whips around and pins her. She pretends he hurt her and went limp. He look worried and loses his grip. She jumps up then rolls hops to her feet leaps on him and pins him.

"Nice work now let me up." Bumblestar purrs. The small she-cat hops off him.

"Let's train tomorrow." He meows. I nod and headed to camp. Willowpaw haven't hunted so she went straight to her nest.

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