Chapter 4

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Owlpaw found her mentor. "Can I change moss?" Owlpaw asks.

Surprised Mappleleaves turns around and says "Of my corse. Are you sure? You know what sense that's what you want to do you can choose what ever you want to do tomorrow."

Owlpaw smiles at him and meows "We should hunt for the clan tomorrow but now I must go change the nests can you show me to the moss?" Mapleleaves was surprised of how polite his apprentice was and how she thought of her clan so much.



"You would be a great leader so I want to use your leading skills to test my guess and look for the moss."

"Of course! oh and thank you so much for the component. If I do become leader I would have you as my deputy first choice."

"Thank you."

The two cats walk up to a spot full of moss. Owlpaw smiles at her skills.

"Great job." Was all Mappleleaves said as he walks away letting the apprentice so her job. Owlpaw collets as much moss as she could and went back to camp.

Owlpaw walks in and looks at the elder den. A tear slips down her cheek and she walks in the den. "Hi Owlpaw." Meows Speckletail. Owlpaw looms at the Elder.

"I'm going to change your moss ok?" asks Owlpaw.

"Of corse." The grey she-cat gets up and lets Owlpaw change the moss. Owlpaw dips her head in respect and leaves. She walks to the nursery.

"Hello young Owlpaw. What do you need darling?" Asks a long haired blue-grey she-cat with gold eyes.

"I am here to change the nests Seabreeze. Are you ok moving on your own?" Owlpaw meows.

Annoyance passed through the she-cat and she meows "I may be pregnant but I can move." Her eyes softened "Thanks for the concern you are very kind." Seabreeze purrs.

Owlpaw smiles and changes the moss. As Owlpaw walks out of the den she bumps into Tigerstripe, Seabreeze's mate.

"Sorry I didn't see you there," Tigerstripes meows.

"It's fine I wasn't looking were I was going." Owlpaw meows then walks to the middle of camp.

"Owlpaw get some fresh-kill you have worked hard." Mappleleaves meows.

"I haven't hunted yet can we hunt so I can eat?" Owlpaw asks.

"Of corse." Mappleleaves purrs.

The two go around and catch some prey and head back to camp. Owlpaw sits down with a dove and ears it in normal bites even though she wants to gulp pit down.

Owlpaw then follows her brother into the apprentice den. She lays down and falls asleep.

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