Chapter 5: Please let this work

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Dear Journal

in about fifteen minutes me Travis Garroth Laurence Vylad and Dante the good thing is so far the plans gone without a problem but you never know what could go wrong Travis said I worry to much but what would you do if your entire relationship was hanging by a thread  also Vylad said that the less dominant one in the couple should where something girly hes using a flower hair pin I'm using a pink shirt with a small heart on it  and Garroth is using a little temporary heart tattoo that he put on his cheek  ugh my stomachs filled with butterflies I'm so nervous


I put my journal away and slip on the pink shirt Travis looks at me smiling

"just say it already" I sigh

"you look so cute Zuzu" Travis giggles and kisses my forehead

"BOYS TIME FOR DINNER!!!!!" my mom calls us down we walk into the hall and me Garroth and Vylad along with our boyfriends lock eyes I squeeze Travis's hand hopefully not for the last time we walk down the stairs and sit around the table and just like we planed Vylad begins to feed Dante pieces of chicken and then wipes the side of Dante's mouth with his thumb nice touch my mom looks confused and Vylad sends the signal to Garroth who uses his chopsticks to find the longest noodle and gives one side of it to Laurence and puts the other end in his own mouth and they begin to eat to the middle then their lips meet in the middle and they stay like that for a moment before separating my dad and mom look a bit confused and mad then garroth sends me the signal and I squeeze Travis's leg to let him know its our turn then he takes a small sip of iced tea and presses our lips together then he slowly slips his tongue into my mouth and I do the same while closing my eyes and wrap my arms around Travis i hear my mother and father scream and make a point to make sure both of our tongues our out  as we separate leaving a small trail of saliva connecting us

"BOYS YOU BETTER HAVE AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS BEHAVIOR" my mother screeches and I see Vylad and Garroth grab a weapon off the table so I copy them then Vylad begins calmly

"dad , mom this is my boyfriend Dante"

"BOYFRIEND!!!!" my father and mother screech in unison then Garroth speaks

"father mother this is my boyfriend Laurence we slept together last night and the night before" Garroth finishes by giving Laurence a small kiss

"YOU SLEPT TOGETHER" my father screams then I begin

"mom dad this is Travis hes my boyfriend and he already gave me a love-mark" I  pull down the neckline of my shirt to reveal the small mark there and for good measure Travis kisses it my parents look like there about to burst and we all stand griping our weapons and getting into a defensive stance my dad is the first to speak

"boys what is this your kidding arn't you you can't be gay" my dad asks simply

"no sorry father this is no joke we really are gay and we're ready to defend our relationships" Vylad holds his knife in front of him and Dante for good measure

"aww so you think you could stop me by yoursel-"

"NO WE STAND TOGETHER AND TOGETHER WE WILL NOT FALL" I shout and we all raise our weapons and to my disbelief Travis holds up a small gun with a label on it that says black rose

"GO TRAVIS" Laurence and Dante shout each holding a long knife Travis's face is emotionless as he points the gun at my father

"you wouldn't dare shoot me"

"and who said i wouldn't" Travis says coldly the room falls silent and I gently lower Travis's arm before he can shoot my father

" calm down Travis"  I say over and over while hugging Travis close he finnaly sighs and puts the gun in a carrier on his waist and pulls out a pocket knife

"ok Zuzu but if he talks like that again I WILL do something about it now can you release my from your death hug?" he asks so i let him go though I'm still being cautious

"wow you guys really are prepared to fight back you must have planed this" my father laughs


" oh come on dear i think if hes really that gutsie that hes a perfect match for zaney don't you and he called him Zuzu that's just adorable Zane only lets people he loves use that nickname" my dad finishes and just stares at us grinning

"ok so he is perfect for zaney but he didn't have to pull a gun on you" my mom sighs in defeat and we all look at each other confused

" does that mean your ok with all of your sons being gay?"I ask

"well there's nothing I can really do right" with this the room calms down and weapons are put away and we all sit down me on Travis's lap Vylad sitting on Dante's lap facing him and Garroth gripping Laurence's hand finally Travis breaks the silence

" oh ya Zuzu I forgot to tell you my parents sorta kicked me out so I'm gonna be staying with you until I can weasel my way back"

"ya me too they said to come back when I've gained my own brain back" this was Laurence

"my mom chased me out with a butcher knife so I'm stuck here too" Dante...

"well our family just grew three people" my mouth drops as my mother says this

"but please try not to make very much noise after lights out" my dad looks at us then winks and slides some things to each of us over the table Travis picks it up and smirks then shows me my face grows hot and I know its red in Travis's hand is a condom I don't need an explanation to know for  that's for I look around at my brothers and there boy friends and they all have the same expression

"DEAR THERE JUST BOYS" my mom shouts at my father dad was about to answer before Travis says

" oh don't worry these will be useful for celebrating tonight" my eyes grow wide as I  stare down at Travis he looks up at me then smirks then we just eat in silence


what celebration is Travis talking about read the next chapter to find out ; ) <3

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