Santa's Gift

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OK! This is my first ever fanfiction so please be nice to me. Also, the pic above
Belongs to its rightful owner, I take no credit.
In this fanfic Error is an uke while Ink is the seme. Please Enjoy!

Errors P.O.V.

It's Christmas time and I wanted to be festive for the holidays. 'Why am I doing this?' I ask myself, well, it might have something to do with a reeeeally hot and artistic skeleton. I didn't know what to wear so I bought several outfits that I think might make him notice me. I don't usually talk to him, but I am closer to him than anyone else so at least that's a plus. 'What outfit should I wear first?' Ink is throwing a Christmas eve party tonight and, I was invited! In the note it said to bring different outfits for it, and if wanted we could and most likely will change into the outfit to match the theme and event. "I think I'll wear this one first!" I say to myself, confident of it's cuteness. The outfit I chose was a red, knee length skirt with a green under skirt attached that peaks out slightly making it look like it fans out a bit. And I chose a sweater that says, " waiting for Santa" on it, the colors are red then white, and green, as well as little red raindeer at the trimming of the sweater. I also wear a pair of red and green stockings with Christmas trees on them, that go up just above the knees. ' I hope this is cute enough...' I silently pray as I pull on my stockings. Looking in the mirror, I admire the outfit but am repulsed by the way I look. I have pitch black bones, red eye sockets with blue and yellow eyes. It looks like I'm crying all the time because of the blue lines that go down my face, and I always look like a grumpy insomniac. 'Oh how I wish to look beautiful, if only...' I think, causing me to worry more and make me more depressed. I pack up my other outfits and put my glasses in my right pocket, in case I need them, although, I do hate them. As I head to the door I slip on my slippers and pause. 'Would I look better if I had had my lower half covered in ectoplasm to give me a curvier, therefore, prettier figure?' At this thought I conjure up my blue colored "skin and flesh" to make myself more... pressentable. After this I head my way over to ink's mansion.

*Time Skip, brought to you by ~ Error in a skirt*

I finally arrive to the party, after a twenty-three minute walk, unsure of what to do next I knock on the door, I've never bean invited to a party before... After knocking the doors open and I walk inside. Everyone is chatting to one another, but... when they see me they all fall silent untill Fell sans starts laughing, "What the fuck is he wearing?!! Does he think he's a girl? HAHAHAHA!!!" And with that everyone else starts laughing. Embarrest I quickly walk toward an empty couch, ducking my head down in shame for my stupidity, 'What the heck was I thinking!! I'm a complete fool, and now everyone is gonna bully me even more!' I think to myself but soon snap out of my train of thought when my brother Fresh trips me. "Hiya princess, looking for your Teddy?" He says, mocking me, and starts laughing hysterically. Ashamed I merely run into another room trying to get away from all their laughing faces. 'Why did I even come here in the first place?' I ask myself as I huddle next to the door, listening to the others laugh and say crude comments that just break me even more. Then I hear a voice above all the others. "What's all the commotion about?" Peeking through the door I see that the person who spoke was ink! 'Oh no! He's gonna hate me now! What do I do?! Why did I even hope to get his attention? He's probably straight, he could never like a homo like me, even if he were gay!' I start to cry but then I snap back to reality when someone opens the door next to me. It's INK!! Oh, no... "Are you okay Error? Don't let their words bother you." He says bending down and stretching out a hand to help get me up. "Come hang out with me by the fire, it's a cold night, we don't want you getting sick do we?" "No sir." I reply as I take his offer and he lifts me off the floor. "Come along." The room is back to normal now, I notice as i walk to the couch with Ink. Ink sits down on the couch, but I stand still. "Come sit with me..." he says, taking hold of my hand and pulling me toward him. I sit completely still, afraid to move. I'm so close to him our bones are almost touching. The silence between us is sufficating, but before I can break the silence he does. "You look very, VERY beautiful tonight..." at this I can feel my face heating up into an obvious blush. "Y-you really t-think so?" I ask him. "Of course why would I lie to you? Your beautiful, and if I might add, immensly adorable!" He says, making me absolutely embarrest. "T-thank you, mister Ink. I must say you look quite h-handsome yourself tonight." I comment, trying to hide my embarresment but failing. Ink doesn't say anything, making me worried so I glance over at him to find his face flushed with a rainbow blush!

Ink's P.O.V.

I never expected Error to say that to me, it's like a dream come true, especially considering how CUTE he is right now, 'Oh... I reeeally want to hug him right now...' it's taking all my will power to not envelope Error in an embrase. "T-thank you Error. That is very sweet of you to say, but you have looks that would even make the most beautiful models in the world jealous." I say looking Error straight in his adorable, large, multi-colored eyes. I quickly notice a large yellow blush across his face. I chuckle and blush at his adorable expression. He is soooo cute! I don't understand why everyone is so meen to him. He's smart, funny, adorable, and strong. What do they say and do that makes him so insecure and nervous? If I see someone say anything bad to my sweet little cinnamon roll again I WILL get VIOLENT!

(A\N)-Well I hope you all liked it! If you have any requests or wish for me to continue
this story please comment. I will only do sanscest though. Bye!

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