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Error's P.O.V.

I walk behind Ink as he leads me to a new room I haven't seen. "I..." I wait for him to continue his sentence, and after a long silence he continues, "I want to show you my favorite room in the mansion." Slowly he pushes open the door with ease. I gasp at the sight. Walking forward I stand in the center of the room, looking around in astonishment. The room is huge! The walls are lined with bookshelves and paintings, beautifully made with delicate detailing. A large window like door and large windows cover one wall, specifically the wall across from the entrance, in front of it stands a beautifully crafted piano, with an covered object next to it. Curious, I move towards it only to be stopped by Ink. I flinch as he grabs my arm tightly, "Error!!" he yells. I freeze in place, error signs blurring my vision. Suddenly he gasps, releasing his grip on me. "I'm sorry, just... Please don't look at it." Confused, I tilt my head sideways at him. He strangely does the same to me, I giggle at this. "C'mon, let's go get something to eat, we can eat in here if you want." I nod vigorously as I realize I haven't eaten all day. As we walk to the kitchen I become anxious to return to the room, turning my head back to it every so often. Ink notices this, and just chuckles at my behavior. Once in the kitchen I quickly grab some food to eat. "Woah, that was quick, you can go ahead and head back,  I'll catch up to ya." By the time he's done with his sentence I'm already almost completely out the door, hurrying to the room, anxiously. Once in there I take a look at the hidden object curious of what's underneath it, but shake my head, disappointed in myself of breaking his rule. 'Bad Error! Don't.' I internally yell at myself. 'But I guess... It couldn't hurt to just peek. He won't even know!' I follow the second voices instructions and get closer to it. Once in front of it I take off the white sheet nervously, afraid of getting caught by Ink. I gasp at what I see. "Hey Er-" I quickly turn around to see Ink blushing wildly. "M-Mr.Ink! I-I was just... Ummm..." "I thought I told you not to touch it!" He yells angrily. I flinch at his tone of voice, scared that he's angry. I can feel tears begin to form and I weakly tell him, "I-I'm sorry..." I quickly run out of the room, running in random directions. After a while I stop and walk, trying to regain my breath. As I walk I try to find my way back to the entrance, but realize I'm lost. Panicking I start running again, trying to find my way back. Eventually I give up and curl up in a ball, quietly crying to myself. "Error?"

Ink's P.O.V.

After Error ran I swiftly followed him, loosing sight of him after a while. I begin to search. After fifteen minutes if searching, I hear a sniffling sound. Turning the corner I see Error lying there, curled up into a ball. "Error?" I say, worried as to why he was crying. He quickly runs towards me but stops abruptly when he was a hairs length away from me. I can see him visibly shaking. I want to comfort him, but he's afraid of touch, so I fight the urge. "Error, why are you crying?" His cheeks turned bright yellow, almost glowing. 'Awww, so cute!' I think to myself. My attention is pulled back to reality as Error begins to respond. "I-I got l-lo-lost... I tried f-finding my w-way but..." Tears streamed down his cheeks rapidly. Worried, I take action immediately. "Error, it's ok. Your not lost anymore! Here, let's go back ok? Let's talk things out. I promise to be honest." I put my hand on my chest and stand there, as though I was giving an oath. "O-ok." I lead him back to my favorite room. There we sit down on my love seat. "Ok. Now go ahead and ask away." I tell him. He thinks for a second before replying. "Why did you paint me... Umm... Nude?" He asks me blushing intensely. I can feel my cheeks heat up as well at this question. Sighing, I answer him honestly, excepting my fate. "You see, Error. I... I find you so beautiful, everything about you! I... I let my mind wonder, and I painted you that way. I've been wanting to paint you for a while, but I was to shy to ask... I'm so sorry." I look down ashamed of myself, but notice Error wasn't yelling at me like I expected. Looking up I see his adorable face flushed with a deep blush across his entire face. "O-oh. W-w-well I guess it's ok... Y-you can paint me if you w-want. Just tell me when you want to, and I'll c-come over." Shocked, I look at him. "T-thank you, Error!" I say happily. He smiles a bit at me. Checking the time I realise it's time for the contests, and activities. Me and Error hurry to the living room where everyone else is. Error takes a seat as i announce our activities and contests. "Ok, everyone! First thing we'll be doing is a 'cuteness contest! All uke's please step forward. If you are unsure, come and talk to me. If you don't wish to participate, step back." Almost half of the invited Sans's stepped forward. If course, a few talked to me but I helped them easily. "Ok, all uke's participating please go to the changing room and show us your cutest outfit." As they went in, I was surprised to see Error enter the room. I can't wait to see what he'll wear!

Error's P.O.V.

I enter the changing room nervously, avoiding the gaze of everyone else. I find a corner to change in, but am soon interrupted by a certain person. "Heya Error. What are you doing here?" Sighing, I turn to face a passive Nightmare. "I was invited here, so I came." I explain bluntly, trying to avoid anymore conversation. "What did you bring to wear?" He asks me cockily. "You'll see." I huff in annoyance. He eventually walks away, leaving me alone. I quickly get dressed in a dress like outfit. It has no straps but does have a long sleeved jacket with white fluff on the hood and cuffs. The top of the dress has a white, furry lining as well. The attached skirt has white, fluff lining the bottom of it. It goes down mid thigh. I put on red stockings with some more fluffy lining, and a pair of red slippers. I add a big, sparkly red bow to the top of my head as an accessory. My outfit was entirely red, except for the white fluff. Turning around I notice glares from everyone else. Nightmare walks up to me slyly. "Oh? Is THAT your outfit?" He smirks, giggling slightly. "Yes it is." I growl. "Well I must say, it's very... How should I put this? It's very you." Nightmare twirls around, frilling up his violet, silky skirt that reaches a little above mid thigh. He also, summoned his violet ecto body. He was wearing a long sleeved sweater saying, " Waiting for Santa." on the front. He has a violet Santa hat as well. "I absolutely adore MY outfit." He brags, walking away, the others following suit. I feel awful. Why are they so mean?! I'm so ugly... I begin to tear up, standing in the empty room alone. I let my tears fall down my face, tired of feeling this way. Tired if feeling so depressed.

(A/N)- cliff hanger, I guess. Sorry for taking so long, I've been super busy with school, and depression. I'm so sorry! I will try my best to get things done sooner. I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Bye Bye.

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