The Creep Hunters

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We are The Creep Hunters. We are a religious order?... no... a club?... nah... a group of elites trained to kill some of the scariest assholes you will ever meet. (or hopefully not meet.) Yeah... that works... We call the assholes in question Creeps, but you know them as Creepypastas. We are trained to find, catch, and kill these Creeps. You ever heard of the Lantern Bearer? No, didn't think so. Good I don't want to kill him again. (he was one tough bastard.) We get to some before the word spreads, but most of them have already gotten the fame they want. They love the interest people take in them. It gets some people paranoid. Thats who they go after. The people who think, "What if this does exist? What if it comes after me? What if...." And so on. The people in the Creep Hunters aren't paranoid. We have very little reason to be. We know they exist, we know we could kill (or at least survive) if a Creep were to target us. So we aren't afraid of what hides in the dark of the old worn down manor at the edge of town. We go there with a killing intent, to rid it of the abomination that dwells within its dark dilapidated halls. We are the Creep Hunters.


Ok so..... brand new story. I know I should be working on Hiss of the Steam or A Whole New Jeff buuuuut..... My mind always comes up with some new cool plot idea. Anyways... I will get to Hiss of the Steam or a Whole new Jeff later.... maybe... Also new matter of business I need a new cover. I am attempting to get one as I type. So the one I have now is temporary

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