Chpt.3 The Train Ride

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We were on our way to the edge of town, but seeing as we were in the center, it could take awhile. The others had dozed off. I couldn't seem to do the same. I was replaying the events from earlier in my mind over and over. When I finally did fall asleep it was short lived.  I was jolted awake, the train was now on its side. I was lying down face pressed against the broken glass of a window. It stung my face. I looked around. The others were all dead. Lazaro, Wyatt, Tyler, Dex, Matthew, and Christian all dead. I panicked and tried to stand. I let out a cry of pain and fell back down. My leg had a huge shard of glass wedged into it. I heard cracking, then I fell. The window I was l laying on had broken and I was now on the ground. I crawled out from under the train slowly to avoid hurting my leg any further. It hurt anyways. When I got out Instead of being met by the glow of city lights or the moon I found my self in a dark field of grass. Even the grass started cutting into me. "This is where I die."  I thought to myself. I was losing consciousness. But before my eyes closed I saw a tall, slender, something in a black suit standing over me. I heard in my head. You will do nicely. Before I woke up screaming. I was soaked in sweat. The others were staring at me concerned.

"What happened?" Lazaro asked.

I shook my head and attempted to regain my composure. "It was nothing. Just a bad dream."

"Ha! It must have been one hell of a bad dream!" Tyler laughed.

"Tyler." Lazaro growled threateningly. Tyler stopped laughing. "So what happened in your dream?" He asked me.

"The train had crashed. All of you were dead. And I fell through a window and crawled out from under the train. The Slender Man was waiting for me. He had said something before I woke up."

"Screaming like a baby." Tyler added. This earned him a smack on the back of the head from Lazaro. He rubbed it gingerly and stayed silent for the rest of the conversation.

"What did he say?" Lazaro inquired.

I shook my head. "I can't seem to remember..." I said trying as hard as I could to recall The Slender Mans final words to me.

"Sounds like he doesn't like you." Wyatt said jokingly. "Did you look at him funny or something?"

"Well you do tend to look at people funny when they just killed one of your friends by throwing them through a window at superhuman speeds." I said dully.

"Right... Sorry... Did anyone else see the Slender Man?" Wyatt asked. rubbing his neck. He was answered by shaking heads. "Well then that means he will be after you and you alone. You really seem to stir-up the hornets nest don't you? All jokes aside we need to get to that bunker ASAP.


So... Very very short chapter. This was just more of the foreshadowing of future events. (Heh heh heh.(I actually have no idea what is next... I just make all this up as I go along...))

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