Chpt.1 The Hunters

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My name is Alexander, and I am a Creep Hunter. I have seen things that would make a stone cold badass scream for mother like a five year old. They are called Creepypastas or Creeps for short. As the group name entails we hunt these Creeps. Our job is to kill them to protect the people. I was recruited about four years back. I had been walking back to my dorm after classes had ended. When something jumped out at me. It had freakishly long claws and it looked like a deformed human who got hit by a car. It was hunched over me. It had pinned my jacket to the ground with one of its clawed hands. It raised the other claw above it's head. I closed my eyes and started to make my final wishes when... Someone else jumped out of the bushes. The creature looked up startled. It got off me so it could charge the newcomer. He calmly pulled a gun and fired a shot at the creature it hit the leg and it stumbled. It quickly got back up and instead of charging again it turned and ran. He fired a few shots after it but to no avail.

"Damn." He said under his breath. The person pulled out a what looked like a long distance walkie-talkie. "The Rake got away." He stated into it. He looked down at me. "We have a witness. What should I do with him?" I heard a faint static voice say.

"Bring em. We could use some more recruits." The man holding the walkie-talkie nodded and turned his attention towards me.

"You alright?" He asked extending his hand. My brain was trying to comprehend what was happening. "Hello?"

"Ye- yeah, fine. What the hell was that?" I asked.

"Class 3 Creep called the Rake. I was sent to kill it after we got wind of some disturbances he had stirred-up." He stated. I was confused. "Ugh. I will explain it to you when we get to headquarters." He said. He extended his hand once more. I stood up on my own and dusted myself off. He retracted his hand and rolled his eyes. My jacket had a huge tear where the "Rake" had pinned me. I was reluctant to follow this person, but he did save my life.

"Fine. Lets go before that thing comes back." I said.

"Oh he won't be coming back. He knows that we found him so he will most likely try to relocate. Anyways enough idle chit-chat lets go." He said turning and motioning for me to follow. "I am a little surprised that he was this close." He paused. "It's actually slightly concerning." We walked for about an hour until we stopped at a two story run down building. "Well... may not look like much but it gets the job done." He opened the door, and when I stepped inside I found that the house looked like it had been abandoned for quite a few years. But as we walked around I saw no access to the upper floor. We had walked into the kitchen and the man I was following stopped. He went over to what looked like a doorbell. He pressed the button and a hole in the ceiling opened up allowing a small camera tied to a string to lower from the hole. I also noticed a speaker in the corner of the room. Out of it came a voice that sounded like it was being distorted by computer software to be very high-pitched.

"Identify yourself."

"It's Matthew. Open up."



"Favorite drink."

He smirked and said, "Creep's blood."

The person speaking laughed and said, "good enough for me."

A ladder dropped down from a slightly larger hole. Matthew started climbing. I started up after him. When I got to the top I gasped. The top floor was a polar opposite from the one now below us. The floors and walls had a metal covering, the room was lit by glowing computer monitors. There were four other people in the room. One was sitting on a couch, another was hitting a punching bag, and the last two were on computers.

One of the guys at the computers turned around. He had square glasses and black hair. "So who is this?"

"He was attacked by the Rake, and because he saw, Christian said I should bring him."

The blond guy who was lounging on a fairly new looking couch spoke up. "We have been needing new recruits ever since..." He trailed off.

The one at the punching bag had stopped his exercise and sat down. "It Christians damn fault. Chase never would have been able to take the Slender Man on his own. What the hell was he thinking?" I had no idea what they were talking about but... while it may be obvious, I think people have died.

"What the hell is going on?" I demand. Everyone but one turned and looked at me.

"Do you want technical terms or lamens?" The black-hair at the computer asked.

I thought I could handle the technical terms. So I asked for them.

"Privately we immolate miscreations that persist to be the origin of many a premonition." He stated rather quickly.

"I- umm. Lamens please?" I asked.

The one at the other set of computers turned around. He had messy hair dark red hair, and it looked as if he had not taken a shower in a month. Another feature that stuck out was a huge scar on his hand. "Basicly we hunt the creatures that go bump in the night." He said simplifying.

I nodded lightly. Still very confused. "So you hunt monsters?" I asked.

"They aren't monsters. They are called Creepypastas, or Creeps for short." I was yet still confused. "Have you never heard of Creepypastas?" He asked.

"Well I have heard of them... but I have never had the time to look into it."

"Ok... you know what. I don't think any deal of explaining will help. Basically you are going to kill things that want to kill you. And now that you are a possible target of the Rake you need protection and we are not going to just let you stay here for free. So to pay "rent" you have to help us fight."

"Where do I start?" I asked.

"Well we can start with names. I am Lazaro"  The red head at the computer said. "The black haired guy is named Dex, the who was punching the bag earlyer is Tyler, and the one on the couch is Wyatt."

For the next seven months I had to juggle school, life, and training so that I could become a Creep Hunter. Over these six months I still never met the person who they called Christian. Everyone either hated him or loved him. They say he is the first  Creep Hunter. Cold, efficient, and emotionless. They also say I will meet him at the end of training. I can’t wait. Only time will tell if I hate or love this robotic killer.


Well I think this is great so far. still need an editor. :\ I cant seem to get one. So only time will tell. 

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