The Math Test

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Prompt : Spanked with ruler for failing math test. Here goes nothing.

Clary's P.O.V (Math Class)

My stomach was doing back flips as Mr. Magnus walked down the between the desk to the very end where I prayed I did not fail. He handed me the paper with one raised eyebrow.... My Stomach did a lay out (cheer jokes) I flipped the paper over I could feel the blood drain from my face. "F" Big and red... The bell rang it was the last period math was over... School was over... For the first time I wished we could learn something else..Or Mr.Magnus would give us A hand and say " The bell doesn't dismiss you I do"..but no we were dismissed... I gathered my books slowly.. Oh sooo slowly...Mr.Magnus gave me a sympathetic smile as I finally reached the door...

At Home.

Still Clary's P.O.V

I slowly let myself into the house. Jace was sitting at the table resting his head on his hands with his elbow propped up. One eyebrow raised.. He knew.. I froze. " Mr.Magnus gave me a call this morning clary" Jace spoke sternly getting up from the table and approaching me. He took my chin in his hand forcing me to look him in the eye. " How long did you study last night Clary ? " I- I- Didn't..I Didn't Sir.. I said lowering my eyes. "Look at me Clary..Jace said. I looked him in the eye. "Why didn't you study last night ? I simply shrugged my shoulder. "My room stripped now". A simple order.."No" I stunned myself when I said it.. "Excuse me ?" Jace said His eyebrow still up. he was still calm though not a good sign. He grabbed my arm and swatted my bottom with a strong right arm 3 Times I squirmed at them and took of in the right direction.

The bed room.

I Stripped Out of my clothes and folded them on the bed. Jace didint tell me to stand in the corner so I sat next to my clothes. Jace came in a couple minutes later. he had a wooden chair and a..a ruler I giggled in my head wtf is a ruler going to do. He sat the chair down and motioned for me to come over. in my naked state I walked over to him. He bent me over the chair hard.. It's cold and my boobs are pressed to the cold wooden bars making them harden.. Gosh. Jace rubbed the ruler over my bottom. "Since I can't the get the numbers in your head through the books I'll get them to you through your back side". Jace lectured." SWAT" "Ouch damn that hurt. I jumped up right. He slammed me back down. Damn that hurt !! "Stay down clary" Jace said with another "swat" to my backside "Jace it hurts" I whimpered "It's supposed to now be quit before I gag you". 'SWAT SWAT SWAT' "Jace!! I Squealed He ignored me 'SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT' (Pretend that was 50) I was squirming my ass off but Jace had his strong hand on my back. I was limp when he finally stopped. I couldint breath. "Stand up clary and face me" I Stood up slowly and turned Jace hugged me I wrapped my arms around his neck and cried...

I don't do we'll with affectionate stuff so that's the end "cringey" Ik but Yeahh it's a quick chapter 😭😭 Love you guys.

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