Should have Listened.

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This Is converted//I did not write all of this.//Enjoy.

“Get your nose in that corner and stay there, Clary”

Jace  quickly steered Clary into the master bedroom by the elbow and punctuated his  stern instruction with one very hard swat to Clary’s skirt-clad bottom. He had never yelled at Clary  in anger before, but right now he  felt like doing exactly that so he knew that he  needed to calm down. Jace, made his  way into the master bathroom, shut the door behind him,  and turned the water on. Only then did Jace  allow the tears he had been holding back to silently fall. He splashed water on her face and took several slow, deep breaths before emerging from the bathroom to find his naughty orange haired sister,  exactly where she was supposed to be – standing in the corner with her hands on her head, hopefully thinking about the events that had transpired that afternoon. An afternoon that was far from over.

Jace  left Clary  there for a few more minutes while he  went to their closet and rummaged through their collection of implements, debating in his mind. He  finally emerged from the closet carrying the heavy prison strap that Clary despised with every fiber of her being; the strap that had only been used twice before in their almost twenty-year relationship; the strap that hadn't seen daylight in over two years because Clary  rarely did anything to deserve such a harsh whipping. This particular strap always made Jace  feel like a monster, but she was determined that Alex was going to learn this lesson the first time and nothing like this was ever going to happen again.

From her place in the corner, Clary felt like she had rocks in her stomach as she listened to Jace  moving about the room and tried to swallow the lump in her throat. She was in severe trouble; being called Clary Fray had made that perfectly clear. Clary  hadn't seen Jace this angry with her in a very long time. She was not afraid of Jace . Jace loved her more than life itself and Clary  knew that full well. But Clary's backside was definitely afraid of what Jace could do to it. Jace was very loving, but he was also very strict and Clary's bare bottom paid dearly when Jace  deemed it necessary. The rules Clary agreed to live by were very clear, and today Clary  had broken the most important one. Her butt was toast.

"Come here, little girl." Jace’s stern tone left no room for disobedience.

"Clary Fray , what is rule number one in this house?" Olivia picked up Alex's chin to force her to look her in the eye.

"Rule number one is that I always take care of myself and keep myself safe,sir ."

"I don't have to tell you that my job is dangerous. It's why Lucion and I carry swords to work every day and wear silver proofs  vests. Because there are evil people out there whose only goal in life is to kill and destroy. When you were riding with us in the car, today and we got that call from Magnus, what did I tell you to do?"

"You told me to stay in the car and lock the doors, sir , and to duck down with your jacket over my head if I heard gunshots."

"If I'd had it my way, we would have been able to drop you off back at the station before we even got that call, but there was no time for that. We had to act quickly and I gave you instructions to keep you safe. When we found you gone from the car, I nearly had a heart attack. You're lucky that the enemy  didn't see you and take you hostage, Clary  or that a stray gas  didn't hit you."

Clary reached up and wiped away her tears with shaking hands while listening to Jace's scolding. The whole ordeal had frightened her more than she wanted to admit. She had never seen so much blood before and she never wanted to see that much blood ever again. Clary much preferred the relative safety and monotony of the station  to the unpredictability of working out on the streets like the older trainer's. One thing was for certain, Clary  had a newfound respect for her brothers  job and would never again take it for granted when jace came home from work in one piece.

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