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"Hey Ethan, it's me.

Um, I don't really know why I'm calling you. It's not like you can answer. I just really miss you and, well, sitting in my room staring at my phone or my ceiling all day is starting to hurt too much, and all the pictures and videos I have with you are too hard to look too at so I figured that hearing your voice over your outgoing message could be a nice in between and-

I'm rambling. Usually I wouldn't get so far into the speech before you kissed me to shut me up or something [laugh].

God. I just... I miss you, okay? It's only been two weeks and you're not even gone yet, but it really feels like you are. It feels like—... Damn it.

I'm sorry, I'm trying not to cry. I know you hate it when I cry, and you'd hate it more if you knew it was over you. But you don't get it because you're the one that's hanging on by a thread inside of a hospital room while I'm stuck out here waiting for a miracle to happen...


Shit, shit, I can't do this. I can't do it, E. I miss you so much.

Please wake up."

breathe me (e.dolan)Where stories live. Discover now