Chapter 1

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I woke up and quickly got up. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 5am. I quickly made breakfast for my family and then went on to do my chores. After I was done it was 7am. I had 1 hour to go and ride my horse before my family woke up.

I quickly went down to the stables and found my horse, Crystal, and quickly jump on her back not bothering with a saddle. I then get her to run into the woods behind my house. We run into the woods and I find my small clearing that my father made for me long ago. As I am about to dismount I see a boy across the clearing on a large black horse. The boy looks to be around 18 and he has dark brown hair with green eyes. He has a sharp jaw line that could cut you and he looks right at me.

I stay on Crystal unsure of this boy for a moment. He then smiles at me and urges his horse to go forward. I smile at him as well and as if knowing what I want Crystal instantly starts going forward.

When we meet in the middle of the clearing he asks me, "What are you doing out here?"

I give him a small smile and reply, "I always come out here to think. What are you doing out here?"

"Same as you. Mind if I think with you?"

"I think I can allow that. As long as you tell me your name that is."

The boy smiles at me again making my heart melt, "My name is Xavier. And yours is?"

"My name is Angel. It's very nice to meet you Xavier." I reply smiling at my new friend.

"And it is a pleasure to meet you Angel." He replies smiling at me as well.

Suddenly I get an idea and I gesture for Xavier to follow me. I take him to the edge of the clearing and I dismount and he follows my lead. He then ties his horse to a tree while I let Crystal be and she starts to graze.

When he dismounts I get to see him fully and I quickly take in his appearance. He has a white shirt and jeans. And I can see his delicious six pack through his shirt. I look back to his eyes and see him staring at my chest but then his eyes move to my lips and I can't help the blush that creeps up onto my face.

"Follow me." I say to him. He looks back at my eyes and sees the small blush and smirks. I role my eyes at him and he chuckles as I lead him into the woods.

"This is the time when you murder me and take my horse isn't it?" He asks me. Even though I'm not facing him I know that he is smirking.

"No it's not. I just want to show you something." I chuckle.

"Yeah like a knife in my stomach." He chuckles.

"Yeah, yeah just hurry up." I say speeding up.

I reach a large oak tree house. I quickly scale the tree even though it doesn't have a ladder.

"Hey you may be a monkey but I don't know the slightest thing about climbing trees." He calls up to me.

"Really? I thought boys were supposed to know everything about climbing trees." I say with a smirk on my face.

"Hey! It's not my fault I didn't get out as a child." He yells.

"Is that why I found you in the woods?" I tease.

He huffs in annoyance and I look down at him and toss down the rope ladder for him.

He quickly climbs up and glares at me playfully. I just smile innocently.

"Alright what is it that you wanted to show me?" He asks me finally smiling at me.

I lead him over to a large window and we both look out. I hear a small gasp come from him. We are currently on top of a hill and we are looking over the village and you can even see the castle were the prince and king live. The queen died awhile ago of old age. The prince had taken over a lot of responsibilities since then because the king sunk into depression.

The prince was once know as a kind hearted boy, but after what happened he became cruel. Though he did rule fairly he had a cold heart. He didn't care to date anybody and his personality was just quite cold.

I sit down at the small desk and start thinking about the prince.

"So what do you think of him?" Xavier asks me nervously.

"Who?" I ask curious.

"The prince." He replies still nervous.

"I think that he has his reasons for being the way he is. But still I do think that he could have found better ways to deal with his grief. He could have found people that care about him. I know that he was sad. But still there are many things that someone can do to to help with grief and pain." I say

"But he lost his mother and he practically lost his father as well." He defends.

I give him a curious look before replying, "I lost my mother and father as well. Except I actually lost my father. I wasn't given the chance to seek help. I barely get out of the house now because of my step mother that my father married just before he died. I just think that he has lots of opportunities to get some help but he doesn't. I may feel a little bit jealous and upset with that because I don't get the chances he does. I feel like he is acting just a little bit stupid right now but he is a fair ruler. He just needs someone to brake down his walls." I reply gently as to not provoke Xavier.

Xavier sighs and turns back to look out the window. "You know Angel I think that you are right. I have been feeling like he is the victim and that he can't do anything about his attitude. But now I do think that he should not be sulking around and actually make an effort to meet people who could possibly help him."

He sighs again and shakes his head, "Anyway, enough about him, what about you? What do you like to do on your free time?" He asks.

Picture of Angel on the top.

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