Chapter 6

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I pull back slightly to look at my princess. I see many emotions play over her face. And I suddenly feel scared she will reject me.

"Xavier?" She asks gently and she's looking at me in concern. That's when I feel the wetness on my face. This is the first time since my moms death that I've cried. I can't even handle the thought of losing my princess.

She removes her hands from my chest and I pull her closer afraid she will try and leave me. But she smiles at me gently and wipes away my tears. She then reaches up on her tippy toes and kisses me on the cheek.

She raps her arms around my neck and I stand there shocked. She giggles and that's what brings me back to reality. She actually just kissed me! I suddenly smile and pull her closer and kiss her on the lips. After a moment she starts to move her lips in sync with mine.

When we finally pull away she smiles at me and takes my hand. She leads me over to another girl who stands there shocked. But then her face splits into a huge smile.

"Oh my god! Is this him?" She asks my princess excitedly. My Angel laughs at her friends eagerness and nods her head.

"Listen I know that you are the prince and everything but if you hurt her I will kill you." She says looking at me seriously.

"Wow great first impression Maddy." Says my princess sarcastically.

"Well I was just being honest. Any ways my name is Maddison but you can call me Maddy." Maddy says smiling kindly at me.

Suddenly Maddy catches sight of someone behind us and smiles brightly. She turns Angel around and Angel smiles as well. Angel slowly approaches a boy and she whispers what must be his name. He turns and when he sees her he smiles and he starts crying and pulls her into a tight hug. Suddenly I feel very jealous of this new boy.

Maddy must see it because she says, "Oh no need to get all jealous. They have missed each other quite a bit."

"Who is he and why is he touching what's mine?!" I growl out holding myself back from storming over there and tearing her from his tight embrace.

"His name is Jake and he is her twin brother." She explains. As soon as she says that I relax. After another minute they both come over.

"Xavier this is my brother, Jake. Jake this is my friend Xavier." My princess says. When she says friend I desperately want to hear her say boyfriend instead.

I held myself back until I saw Jake with his arm rapped around her. Even if he is her brother I don't want any male touching her but me. I snatch her away with my arms around her waist. I pull her into a hug and she gently places a hand on my chest and gently rubs my chest soothing me.

"Not a friend." I whispered in her ear. She looked at me confused.

"A boyfriend." I whispered into her ear. She blushed a bright red and leaned against my chest closing her eyes. We danced for three hours. When it was eleven she suddenly pailed and grabbed Maddy's hand. They both ran out without another word. I ran after them but I saw them get into a limo and it drove off quickly.

I didn't want her to leave me. I was determined to get her to live in the castle with me. I was determined to get her to marry me. For our lives to be bonded together for the rest of our lives. So nobody could try and take her away from me. I was determined for her to bear my children. To wake up to her smile everyday and go to sleep to her in my arms.

I ran back inside and quickly found Jake.

"Where does she live?" I asked quickly.

He turned to look at me and smiled a bit sadly, "I can show you tomorrow. But for now just enjoy the party I know that Angel would want you to." He replied.

I nodded and sat on my thrown for the rest of the night refusing to dance with anyone else.

After the party I sulked back to my room but brightened at the thought of seeing my princess tomorrow. Then I thought of bringing her back here so that she could live here with me. I smiled to myself and went to my balcony. I looked out at my kingdom wondering were she could live.

Then I remember the grim look Jake gave me and I instantly remembered the bruise on her cheek that one day. I hated seeing it and wanted to tear the person who gave it to her apart.

I looked out at my kingdom longingly one last time before going back into my room and slowly took off my suit. But suddenly I felt something in my pocket. I took it out and smiled. It was her bracelet. I didn't even realize she was waring one but it went perfectly with her red dress and jewelry.

I was determined to find her again. And now I had a way to find her. Angel was the owner of this bracelet and whoever called me by my first name on sight had to be my Angel. But even without it I knew I could find her. I had her looks and voice mesmerized because I would spend so much time just daydreaming about her.

I remembered the look of fear in her eyes as she and Maddy ran out. Whoever installed that fear in her would regret it. I would make them feel pain for hurting her. For making her fear. And once I got her I would protect her from everyone. Nobody but me was aloud to have her but me. I was going to be the one to take my princesses innocence.

And with that thought I finished getting ready for bed and climbed into my huge bed and couldn't help but feel sad that I couldn't hold my princess to me as I fell asleep. I drifted off into sleep with the thought of my princess and what was to happen tomorrow.

Picture of Maddy at the top.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2017 ⏰

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