Chapter 10: OPERATION: Annoy his fangirls!

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Yehey! Before I fly to Japan, I made this for you all!

and this is dedicated to all ELFs and YOU. Thanks for supporting! ^__^v

SS4, here I come!





Another day!

Wait. Let’s rephrase it…

Another ANNOYING day!

I am now walking in the halls of Daejin-U an then I spotted a very annoying person.

Well.. This is why I called this an annoying day, right? Psh.

“Yobo.” The person puts his arm around my shoulders.


WTH is wrong with this person??? Argh! He really DOES love ANNOYING and PLAYING with people, does he?

“Get your hands off me, Cho Kyu Hyun.” I said in my ice-deadly voice.

“Aww. Yobo, I’m just being sweet.” He replied.

I know everyone’s looking at us right now. Freaking playboy!

I stopped walking which of course made him stop too.

“I’m so going to beat you up.” I whispered in a very mad tone.

“I like it when you’re fierce.” He smirked at me.

“Why are you so annoying??” I asked as my eyebrows curled in a very irritated manner.

He formed a very satisfied smirk. “I am not. I just happen to like you so much.”

And before I even reply or move a muscle…

HE gave me a PECK on my left CHEEK.

What. The. HELL?????!!!!

He KISSED my cheek?!?!

With a frozen body, I looked to Kyu Hyun who is now waving backwards and yelled. “See you later, yobo! Don’t miss me too much, okay?!”

He turned to me and winked.

I dropped my jaw.

And then it hit me.

I looked around me and saw different reactions from girls and guys.

The guys are simply smiling and shaking their heads sidewards.

The girls are…




Another lunch time.

And I hope this one’s not much of a hell like what happened early this morning.

“Ae Min-ah, aren’t we going to cafeteria? Soo Byul and Seul are worried of you since yesterday!” Seo Mi sat beside me.

“Ah. No. If you want to go with them, it’s okay with me, really.” I smiled at Seo Mi.

She gave me an ‘I-don’t-think-so’ look. “No, I am not going to leave you again and get bullied by Kyu Hyun’s fangirls again.”

“I really don’t give a damn about them you know.” I replied.

“You know what, they’re just jealous because Kyu Hyun seemed to like you VERY MUCH.” Seo Mi said proudly.

“Uh-huh. So never gonna happen.” And I replied her sarcastically.


Seo Mi and I was startled when a familiar voice shouted and entered our class room.

I raised a brow at Eun Hye.

“What’s your problem?” I asked irritatedly.

“How dare you?!” She started.

“How dare I??”

“STOP FLIRTING WITH KYU HYUN! Everyone knows he’s OFF LIMITS because HE’S MINE!”

Oh, so maybe she heard or even saw what happened early this morning.



Bright idea rushing in.

Kim Eun Hye could really be annoying. She’s so stupidly in love with the Lady-Killer. And since she’s taking her break-up with Kyu Hyun so hard, I am going to…

OPERATION: Annoy Cho Kyu Hyun’s Fan Girls.

She’ll regret messing with me.

“Really, Eun Hye? Kyu Hyun is YOURS?” I mocked her. “I don’t think so. Kyu Hyun is absolutely single since everybody knows you two broke up months ago. Oh, wait. I stand corrected, HE DUMPED YOU.”

I smirked at her evilly.

Pay back time.

“Urgh!!! Will everybody stop saying he dumped me?! I broke up with him!!” She yelled madly.

“Right. Every single living organism in this planet knows KYU HYUN DUMPED YOU.” I mocked her even more.

Her eyes started to become red.

Everyone laughed at what I said. Let’s see what you got.

“So you really are trying to get him for yourself, don’t you?” –Eun Hye

I smirked at her. “Oh, I am not trying to get him. HE is TRYING to GET ME.”

Eun Hye’s eyes sharpened giving me daggers, I smirked even more.

“Kyu Hyun asked me to be his girlfriend and well… I said yes. For your information, he pursued me. that’s because he REALLY LIKES ME.”

I can Eun Hye bringing me to hell with her sharp pointed eyes.

“I assure you, he’s just going to play you.” She said in a cold voice. She seemed wanted to laugh evilly.

“Kyu Hyun won’t play with me like he did to you. He likes me too much. And besides, you looks exactly like a toy.”

“You bitch!”

One minute I saw Eun Hye walking towards me, growling. Next thing, she’s going to slap me!

And hell, I can’t move a muscle! Oh, dear! What have I gone myself into?!

“What do you think you’re doing?!”


We all looked at the person who stopped Eun Hye’s hand from slapping me.

And, yes. Here he is. The Certified Player. The Player Prince with his left eyebrow raised looking at Eun Hye sharply.

And then he looked at me.

“Kyu Hyun-oppa!” Eun Hye yelled when he threw her hand.

“Let’s go.” Kyu Hyun took my arm and was about to walk when I stopped him.

“W-where are we going?” I asked nervously. I looked at Seo Mi who shrugged at me and my eyes went back to Kyu Hyun.

“Obviously, he’s going to punish you for lying to everyone and for mocking me.” Eun Hye said with her very sure and proud voice.

Kyu Hyun looked at Eun Hye and raised his brow. “She’s MY GIRLFRIEND so why would I punish her for telling the truth?

Everyone went silent. Eun Hye looked dumbfounded.

“C’mon.” Kyu Hyun clasped our hands and pulled me out of the room.


What now???

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