Chapter 1 ~ Not mine

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(A/N: heya guys! Just wanted to tell that this is my first story and that I'll try my best but I'm not a native English speaker. With that being said, lets get started with the story!)

I stormed out of the house while holding back my tears. My mind was still progressing everything that had just been said and I couldn't really think clear. I hailed a cab and told the cabbie the only place I could think of to go. I started to see everything in a blur because of all the tears that were collecting themselves in the corners of my eyes.

It took me a few moments to realize the cabbie was talking to me. "Sir, we're here. Sir? Sir!?"
I quickly mumbled a few words and paid him way more than necessary, but I didn't really care. I got my spare keys and with shaking hands I opened the door to 221b Baker Street. I opened the door to the apartment and the tears started to fall.

"John?" I heard a familiar voice coming from the kitchen. I looked up and saw a vague blur of a tall man with curly ebony colored hair standing in front of me. I let my face hang again and felt the sadness slowly turning into anger. I heard the footsteps coming closer and a few moments later a saw a pair of black shoes entering my vision.
"Not. Mine." Were the only words I could get out. I slowly walked to my chair and got the pillow from it.
"Not. Mine." I repeated the words. "What's not yours, John, where the hell are you talking about?"
"It's. Not. Mine!" I yelled and threw the pillow to the other side of the room. "John, calm down, tell me what happened." But I didn't hear him because of the blood raging through my ears and the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I firmly walked to the drawer where Sherlock kept his gun and opened it.
"John, I really think you should calm down." Sherlock said carefully. I didn't listen and walked with the gun in my hands to the wall with the yellow smiley. The safety of the gun clicked off and I shot the smiley in the middle of its head. "It's" BANG! "Not." BANG! "Mine!" BANG! BANG! BANG!

When Sherlock calmed me down a bit and after I shot every bullet that was still in the gun and Miss Hudson had assured the neighbors that absolutely nothing was wrong, I broke down, fell to the ground and let the gun fall out of my hands.

I saw John collapse to the ground and quickly ran to him. Not knowing what to do now, I just awkwardly patted
his back a bit while watching his shaking  body. He obviously was upset about something, but I didn't know about what it could possibly be that he was so pissed about. What could possibly not be his. Suddenly it hit me, could this be about the baby? Mary wouldn't do that right? She doesn't seem like that kind of person to me, and I had never been wrong.

When John calmed down a bit, I made him some tea and made him sit down in his chair. "Care to tell me what's wrong?" I asked carefully. John just shook his head and sips his tea. "It's the baby..." he said, so soft that I could barely hear it. "The baby, it isn't mine."

A/N: sorry for the short chapter, but I'm just figuring this app out a bit. The chapters will get longer as the story continues. Sorry for any possible mistakes in the spelling or grammar.

My savior, my angel- a Johnlock fan fiction Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang