Chaper 7~ Mary's case

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Sherlock fell asleep as I read the final sentence of the chapter. I looked at him as he was laying curled up in his chair. I saw his chest slowly rising and falling. A small smile formed itself on my mouth. I quietly closed the book and put it away. I looked at his face. One little curl was draped over his nose. Every time he exhaled it flew up, to land back on his nose a few moments later. He looked so peaceful. His beautiful mind finally had a break. 

"Stop staring at me, John, it's creepy." A mumbled voice said.

"You're... you're awake? I thought you we're asleep..."

"It's kinda hard to sleep when someone is staring at you." Sherlock opens one eye and looks at me. I stare back for a few moments before clearing my throat and standing up.

"I think I'm going to bed then."
I hear some other muffled sounds coming from him, but couldn't exactly make out what he was saying. I walked to the door but turned around at the doorstep. I looked at him and saw he closed his eyes again.

"It is still creepy." He mumbled. I laugh and go to bed.

The next morning
Sherlock and I were sitting in the living room while sipping our tea. I was reading through the newspapers when suddenly the bell rang. Sherlock and I looked at each other.

"Finally, a client!" Sherlock exclaimed.

"How do you know it's a client? It could also be Greg, or mrs. Hudson, maybe she forgot her key..."

"Who the hell is Greg? And mrs. Hudson is still downstairs, she hasn't left for groceries yet."

"Greg Lestrade!"

"Since when is his name Greg? You can't just change your name all of sudden!"

"His name has always been Greg!"

"No it hasn't!"

Because we were arguing about whether Lestrades name was Greg, we didn't hear someone coming in.

"Eh-hem..." they said.

We both turned around and saw the person who was standing in our living room. It was Mary.

"What the hell are you doing here, Mary! Get the hell out of my house!" I screamed at her and pointed at the door.

"But, John..."


"Please stop yelling, John." Mrs. Hudson said. "Think about the neighbors!"

I took a few deep breaths and tried to speak calmly. "What are you doing here, Mary?" I said while grinding my teeth.

"I- ehmmm- I have a... a..." she stammered.

Mrs. Hudson gave me an angry look.

"Ehm.. sorry mrs. Hudson."

Sherlock decided that this had taken long enough and started to speak. "Mary, tell us what you want or get out."

"Or both..." I mumbled.

"I- I have a case for you..." Mary said hesitantly.

"And who says we're willing to solve it?" I looked angrily at her.

"Just let her speak, John." Sherlock said.

"Fine. Go sit in that chair." I ordered and Sherlock and I both walked to our own chairs and took a seat. Mary also took a seat and started fidgeting with her fingers.

"So, tell us what happened. But get straight to the point!" Sherlock said.

"Okay.. eh-hem... so, ehmmm... Robert, is gone, he just suddenly vanished and I can't find him anymore."

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