Love At First Sight

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Love At First Sight.....

Years ago they told her

She wasn't right in the head

A pimple-faced freak as she was

They wished she were dead.

Dead, so she won't be a bother

To their prestige and their pride

Gone forever from the shore of their lives

Like the waves of a dying tide.

A tide which shall never return

To taint their family's name

A tide which shall never again burn

Their greatly acquired fame.

Fame is all they seeked;

Love was something they never knew

As their lonely child broke apart

No one cared, but a few.

She was lost, she was broken,

Defeated to the brim

As she cut open her wrist,

She knew her chances were dim.

She felt no sorrow, no pain,

As she lay on the bathroom floor

Waiting for the endless sleep to come,

And escort her to Death's hungry door.

Just as she thought it was over

She heard an angelic voice in her head

Wake up, my child,Wake up,

Was all It said.

Wake up for its not your time

To leave the face of Earth,

For your life was never just yours

Your soulmate was chosen at birth.

He'll be your lover, your protector

He'll be everything you need

All trust, all faith you've lost

He'll help you reseed.

You can't just give up

You can't let him lose

Because you are his other half

You are his misery muse.

So push hard my dear, push hard

To escape this limbo lair

Try to open your eyes

Your Savior awaits you there.

A force snapped from within her

The world came into view, like a widening beam

And as she recalled what the inner voice said

Her eyes landed on him.

Looming above her, stood a boy

Concern showing in his eyes

Please be okay, he chanted

In a deep yet jittery voice.

As she gazed at this stranger

Now descending to the ground

Picking her up in an embrace

Expressing the feelings without sound.

They stared into each other's eyes

Now glassy with unshed tears

She felt a strange presence inside

Now warming her interiors.

Softly caressing her pale cheek,

He looped his arm around her waist

Making sure of her comfort

He slowly raised her to his chest

And her heart beat stopped

As he cradled her so tight

That was the moment she knew

This was love at first sight.

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