My First Highschool Crush

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My First Highschool Crush

Nothing can be as special as your first highschool crush

Those tenterhooks in your heart , that apple beaded blush

 That stalkerish behavior you posess , crushing on the jock

Spying his every move like a makeshift Sherlock

 How you want to do zumba, all in a day's whim

Wanting to lose that extra flab, for this guy from your dream

 You watch horror movies, sitting on pins of fright

Just in case he asks you out for a scary movie night

 One look from him, and you trip over your feet

One smile at you, and you redden up like meat

 Then comes the day, you come out of your trance

Confident to take the first step to this puppy love romance

 Smiling like a goof,  displaying your sparkly brace

Smoothening your oiled pigtails, framing your dolled-up face

 You swagger towards him, sweat rolling off your hands

That love letter you wrote him sticking out of your pants

 And just as you reach him, panic grips your leg

Uhh! What's his name you try to recall..John?Tony?Greg?

 He turns around to you, but Oh God! You got nothing to tell


Thank Jesus! You're saved by the bell ... ;)

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