Little grey girl

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The rays of the morning sunshine some how managed to squeeze their way through my black out blinds. Obviously the assistant in home sense had been lying. They did not withstand the strength of the sun.With a deep sigh, I peeled my duvet away from my sweaty body and pushed it to the end of the bed, splaying my arms and legs across my white sheets.

My pliant muscles relaxed as I stepped into the shower, the water pounding into my wide set shoulders. Stepping out the shower, I reached for a towel, cocooning it around my body before tucking one edge into the tight body wrap.

A loud pinging noise came from my phone and I rounded my bed to reach for it. It was my friend Molly, asking to meet up for a drink at the local coffee shop, Board way, it was known for its rich hot chocolates, large plates of nachos with extra everything and freshly baked cakes. Texting back a quick reply saying I would be there in 10, I slipped on my shoes and started the five minute walk from my crooked beach house to the cold air of the sea.

Slipping into the quite cafe I greeted Jamie the owner of the quaint place with a quick hug and a wink signalling I would have the usual. Taking a seat that over looked the sandy beach, that usually attracted multiple tourists, but today was grey and miserable the sea looking like a deadly monster that would not hesitate in swallowing you whole, I hugged my warm cup of hot chocolate to my chest reluctant to part ways with my fur lined coat. Sitting there for over 5 minutes and growing impatient with Mollys constant tardiness when ever we met up, humming to my self I pulled my large slice of triple chocolate cake closer to me, devouring a bite of the calorie induced treat.

I peered through the sheer glass window that faced the beach wondering who on earth would go out there in this weather, watching what looked like a girl slip her shoes of as she walked along the coast line, occasionally dipping her toes into the frosty that accompanied the never ending waves. I shivered in my seat just imagining how cold the water would feel on my bare feet. The person who I knew now was defiantly a girl, from the waist length black hair that swayed as she walked, waded into the water coming to a stand still at waist height.

Turning to face the counter as Jamie called my name asking if I wanted a refill, to which I replied with a yes accompanied by a smile, I turned back around facing the reckless weather. Squinting I searched the beach and then the dreary grey of the sea for the young girl, coming up empty handed. Leaning forward in my seat I managed to catch a quick glimpse of the black hair that made the girl so recognisable.

She suddenly disappeared from my view seeming to dunk her self under the waves, waiting what seemed like forever but was actually only minutes I anticipated the black head bobbing up again.My throat seemed to tighten with anxiety as I realised it had been far longer than an average person could hold there breath for, running out of the cafe I sprinted through the sand and toward the sea, my chest tightened with each breath I took as I waded into the water. Fishing round in what seemed like the endless savageness of the sea, I came up with nothing my hands feeling empty and my eyes forever searching.

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