Fuzzy cats and new neighbours

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I opened my creaky front door, almost tripping over the welcome mat, with freshly posted letters ontop. Picking up the chunky pile, I flung it at the nearby shelf. A advertisement slip, fell from the pile, with a deep sigh I leant over and picked it up, some thing to do with google's new invention of health trackers. Returning the slip to the pile, I walked through the hallway removing my slip on pumps and coat, hanging it on the small wooden pegs in my coat closet along with my shoes that were chucked hazardously on top the already large pile of shoes on the floor. I really needed to sort through them, some I hadn't worn for years and were slowly gathering dust. Shuffling through to the  lounge, I sprawled myself on the couch, sinking into its lumpy cushions, the soft material absorbing my tears, leaving only small wet patches, that then dried before being replaced by more wet patches. This was my comfort couch, purchased from an antique shop in the neighbouring village for a outstandingly cheap price, although I highly suspected the owner of the shop Mr. Jean, had lowered the price for me because of our unlikely friendship that had blossomed when I had first arrived here, with no friends and appreciative of a friendly face.

My kitten, Shadow pounced on my feet as I rounded the corner making me jump from surprise as she dug her claws into my toes, still sore from her previous attacks. Wincing I picked her up despite her protests and hugged her close to my chest, snuggling into her fur, careful to avoid her claws because at any given chance she would scratch me. To my surprise she let me hold her with no difficulty, sensing my morbid mood and allowed me to find comfort in her fur. She had been a gift from my mum a little over a month ago, for my birthday, although it was more of a statement to remind me of others dependence on me and prevent me from falling into the deep end again. Sighing I placed her on the armchair that she had claimed as her bed on her first week here, where she proceeded to snuggle herself into a fuzzy ball of furans close her eyes, obviously at ease in my presence. Grabbing a mug from the cupboard I switched on the kettle whilst scooping out hot chocolate powder, money limiting me from having a all milk one, and poured the boiling water into the mug before clenching it in my hands. I winced at the fake taste as the pasty substance slid down my throat. I narrowed my eyes damn you Tesco's own brand claiming you were as good as Cadburys Highlights. Lies all of it. I was just going to have to invest in Cadbury pot of heaven. Sitting down on the couch I abandoned my cup of slush and flicked on the Tv, deciding to watch Green lantern, the marvel movie that held my heart. About halfway in I had almost become part of the couch, sinking deep into the lumpy cushions, littered with popcorn and tears running down my face from the emotional scene.  A knocking sound disrupted me from the well of emotions inside me as I got up grumbling, my legs slightly dead from sitting for so long, making me stumble towards the door. The knocking had increased by the time I got there " Gee calm down!" I yelled as I struggled with the latch. The door finally swung open to reveal... nothing there was no one here, squinting into the darkness I sigh preparing to shut the door. A war cry echoed through the air getting loader and closer in seconds. Suddenly I was being jumped on by a red head who had seemingly charged at me knocking me over in the process with her on top. Glaring up at her I whisper yelled, careful of the neighbours " What the hell!" The girl clambered off of me her eyes shining with tears as she apologised "Whoops sorry"
" What do you want I growled back" narrowing my eyes at her. " Welllll I kinda saw you watching Green lantern, best movie ever by the way!! And so you know I sat outside your window and watched it with you. But then it got to a really sad bit and you were like crying so I thought we could wallow in pain together!" The girl exclaimed excitedly, as if watching me through my window for god knows how long as normal. " Who.. the hell .. are you"
" Your new neighbour" she sang in an off key tune, I winced my ears begging at her to stop as she dragged out each syllable. " And...." I said prompting her answer. She brushed past me and walked into my living room settling onto my couch, and helping herself to my popcorn, I glowered at her accross the room although she didn't seem to notice. " Are you gonna leave" she shook her head her red locks bouncing around her face " I love this movie!" She shrieked excitedly, " You'll leave once it has ended right"
" Fineeeeee, now come on its nearly at the good bit!"


By the end of the movie we were both in tears and were leaning on each other no doubt looking like a pit of drunk cats as we wailed the unfairness of what had happened. Needless to say she never left and we both stumbled toward my bed clutching onto each other like our lives depended on it. Rattling under the covers we both fell into a deep sleep emotionally existed from the film and crying that we had done, no doubt making my couch smell like salt tears. I woke up I the morning my eyes glued shut as light tried to penetrate through my eyelashes and seat my eyes. Groaning I rolled over, my body colliding with a warm body. My eyes flew open and I registered the short red head in my bed, oh hell I remembered what happened, she was supposed to leave! A groan beside me distracted me as my unwanted visitor sleepily stretched out and cracked open her eyes. " Morning" she croaked out. Her eyes suddenly widened and he yawned before sitting up, and just like that she was suddenly awake, I envied her ability to shake off sleepiness that quickly. " I'm Ruby and we're gonna be beat friends " And no matter how much I denied it she was right.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 28, 2017 ⏰

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