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Act like this is them getting ready for their double date but this is not what their doing in this story their not talking about what not to do on a date their just on a double date

Right when everybody was done everybody stayed for a little than they left the kids was in their rooms sleep me and grayson went downstairs to watch Netflix I wanted to watch the notebook so I told Gray and he agreed than Grayson heated up some popcorn than the popcorn was done I put it in a bowl than sat back down with Grayson was  cuddling on me than the movie was over and grayson was crying and I said why you crying and he said I want us to have that I want to die in your arms and then I kissed him on the lips tasting the salty tears but I didn't care than I said gray let's go on a double date tomorrow than go to the movies with Susan and Sam and he said OK than I called Sam he picked up and I said we are going on a double date and the movies after  tomorrow and I said do you guys want to come and he said ya and we hung up went upstairs to get ready for tomorrow and drift off to sleep when I woke up Grayson was not in bed than I heard laughing and smelled bacon and eggs and pancakes.

I got up took a shower put on black sweats and black sweater because it was cold than I look over at Ethan he was sleep still than I went downstairs the kids were downstairs watching TV and I said good morning and they said good morning mumba and I kissed their forehead then I heard the doorbell ringing I got up and saw it was Susan and Sam and their kids Kate and jake they came in then I told them were they hungry because I was going to make breakfast and they said sure then Sam said weres Ethan I said sleep and than we started talking about the past while I was cooking I was making pancake and becon and eggs then I heard foot steps and I smile because it was Ethan he wrap his hands on my back than I turn around he kissed me on the lips than Susan said aaaawww and than Ethan pulled away blushing than Ethan sat down then breakfast was done everybody was done then the kids went outside and me Susan and Ethan and Sam was talking and Sam said what time are we leaving for the double date and Ethan said at 8pm and then Susan said who going to watch the kids and Ethan said are sister than we went outside and said who wants to go swimming and everybody said meeeeeeeee than we changed than got some towels and went to the pool which is a inside

They were at the pool for 3 hours than they drove back to Ethan and Grayson house and got out than went upstairs to shower will Ethan and Grayson and Susan and Sam not together than they got dressed and Ethan called Cameron she agreed and they went downstairs to hear a knock on the door and it was Sam and Susan dressed up Susan had on a black dress and Sam had a black suit and Ethan had a grey suit and grayson had a black suit than they sat
●knock knock● Grayson said I will get it than he opened it to be greeted by cameron then they talk then they went in the car Susan and Grayson in the back and Ethan and Sam in front Ethan driving then they put on the radio called you belong with me by tayler swift Grayson was singing to Ethan and Ethan kept blushing then 30 min later they pulled up to a fancy restaurant and Ethan got out and hold the door for Grayson then kissed him on the cheek then they walked hand and hand holding the door for Susan and Sam then they got seated to a table and the waiter gave them a menu then they decided what they wanted then a different waiter came up and she said what can I get you cuties while looking at Grayson and Ethan and Grayson look at her and said excuse me this is my husband and she said oh iam so sorry than they got their drinks Ethan and Grayson got Pepsi and Susan got Dr pepper and Sam got Coke then they ordered their food they while they were waiting they started talking then their food came they ate then it was desert time we got some ice cream than Ethan paid and told Sam he's paying for the movie they watched finding Dory the seat was  Sam then  Susan then Grayson then Ethan Grayson whisper in Ethans ear and  said we have to Fuck and Ethan grab his hand and they told Sam and Susan they be back Susan and Sam nod their head then they left for the restroom
They said they be back but they never came back then I told Sam and he said he would go see if their in the bathroom while I was still watching the movie than Sam kissed me on the lips then he walked out the movie theater while I watched funding Dory

So Susan told me that Ethan and grayson said they were going to be back but they never came back and I told her I would go check in the bathroom than I kissed her on the lips then I left the theater I went in the bathroom and heard moaning in the last stall and I heard Graysons voice saying iam going to  cum and Ethan saying cum for me Grayson then I text Susan saying their fucking

Sam:their fucking in in the last stall
Susan:are you joking right now
Sam: no Iam dead serious their fucking and moaning loud
Susan: well is anyone else in their using the bathroom or anything
Sam: hold on let me see
Sam ya some guy
Susan:just come back to watched the movie so they won't know we're being noisy creeps
Sam:okay iam coming now
Sam: oh shit the stall is opening
Susan: well what you waiting for run
I ran because i was afraid they might see me but they didn't it was just a different person that was in the stall he look at me wired than he left than I ran

Oh my god Ethan was great we just  had  sex in a movie theater bathroom then me and Ethan heard the bathroom door open Ethan hold on to my wrist and said hold on then the door opened again but I thought the person left so Ethan put his dick in side my interance again and I was a moaning mess saying Ethan iam going to come and Ethan saying come for me Grayson than Ethan I came all over Ethans face he came in side me 5 min later then me and Ethan pulled apart to put  are pants and shirt back on then we walk out hand and hand then sat down then Sam said so what were you guys doing and Ethan said I was fucking my husband/brother/lover and Sam said Iam so happy for you guys than we all hugged then the movie was over and we walked out and Susan and Sam and me and ethan a got in the car it was 10pm we left at 8pm we dropped off Susan and Sam off and Sam said do you mind watching the kids tomorrow and I said how come and they said they have to go out of town for 2 weeks to go on their anaversry and me and Ethan said sure then me and Ethan went upstairs to go to bed but first we went to kristina room and kissed her on the forehead and said goodnight then turn her light off then we saw Kate in the other bed because she always sleep over than saw Cameron  asleep in a sleeping bag then we closed the door and went to Cristopher room he was sleep and we kissed him on the forehead and jake was on the other bed because jake always wants to spend the night then me and Ethan went in are room to go to bed than when I woke up Ethan was still sleep than I smelled breakfast then went to go shower and went downstairs

I woke up and went down stairs to make some breakfast so when I was done I called the kids to tell them breakfast is done kristina and Cristopher and Kate and jake soon runs downstairs the last time I seen my nease and nefeew was when they were 4 now their 14 then I put Graysons and Ethans in the microwave than I heard a voice say good morning and I turned around to see Grayson I told him to sit and I went In the microwave to get his food then he ask what did you guys do yesterday and I said we went swimming and played games which was fun than Ethan came downstairs and kissed my cheek than I gave him his breakfast then everybody was done than the doorbell rung I went to go answer and it Sam and Susan they said they came to drop off Kate and jake stuff than they left than Ethan and Grayson said oh I can see she dropped off the bag than I said Ethan Grayson what's going on and Ethan said Kate and jake are staying with us for 2 weeks then i said okay then I said WHO WANTS TO GO SHOPPING
And Kate and kristina ran over to were I was and we got in my BMW and drove off we a river at and got out to do some shopping like a girls day and getting are nails done


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