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While Cameron and the girls were shopping me and grayson and the boys were going to the movies because we made a vote to say do we want to watch the game or the movies and they picked the movies so I told Cristopher and jake and they said can we watch the Lego Movie and and I said sure just get ready  we leaving in 5 minutes than they said okay and tomorrow is super to me and grayson it's are Anaversry I already have his surprised so Cristopher and jake comes down stairs with coats than we go to the car and drive we put and we parked the car than everybody got out and we went in aide and the woman said what movie and I said Lego Movie than we payed than went to go sit down it was jake then Grayson than me than Cristopher we watched the trailers  than the movie started
              AFTER THE MOVIE
The movie was good than we home and Cameron and the girls were cooking in the kithen in I said how was shopping and she said it was good and she said how was the the game and I said we ended up going the movies and she said what movie and I said we watch the Lego Movie and it was good and she said I met it was than she was up dinner be ready in 10 than she made the kids plate then we made are plate than when we were done eating I did the dishes than we watched a movie than everybody went to sleep after the movie t grayson layed next to me so we're cuddling and the rest are on the floor and Cameron is on the couch
                THE NEXT DAY.                  
Cameron left after breakfast and today is mine and Graysons Anaversry so today Susan and Sam called today saying they won't be home till tonight and we said okay bye and Grayson told me can we go to the store and when I asked him he said he forgot something but don't know what it is so I told the kids get in the car and they got in the car and I told Grayson what store and he said Walmart so then I drove to Walmart

I told ethan can we go to the store  and he said why so I made a excused by saying I left something which was a lie I was trying to get my present for are Anaversry I got him a new watch in the back says Ethan and Grayson forever so he drove to Walmart and he said you want me to go in with you I said no but thanks then he kissed me and I went in Walmart and went to the back and the woman said what can I help you with and I said yes I would like to know if a packet for Grayson dolan arrived and she said yes than she gave it to me than I went back to the car and we went out to eat at burger King for lunch then we went home then Susan and Sam showed up and Ethan told them can they watch kristina and Cristopher tonight and they said anything and then they said hay how would you and the kids like to go to Hawaii with us and ethan said when and sam said next week and we said yes and they said great than they gave us 4 tickets to Hawaii then we watched movies than the kids said bye mumba and dad than they left and I heard music in the back round and a map I didn't noticed this at first oh ya because I took a nap Ethan must of did this than I followed the map and it led to a bedroom I opened it and saw candles all around the bed and Ethan laying down on the bed naked he said you did good and he pulled me to him and ripped my off my shirt and then my pants leaving me and my underwear than I got on the bed him kissing all over my face and then he bite my ear and he said lay with me than I layed next to him and we had sex than we pulled apart and he said Happy Anaversry babe then he gave me a bag in the bag was cologne and a small box I open the box was a necklace than had the letters E and G I took it out and he put it around my neck and I kissed him than their was a teddy bear panda then I kissed him and said thank you so much and he said your welcome precious this made me giggled then I gave him his present and he opened it and covered his mouth he said oh my god I love it than I told him to read the back in the said Ethan and grayson  forevet then I said you love it and he said yes and he kissed me again than we pulled apart and he put his new watch on then he got up and ran the bathwater and he put bubbles in it because we like bubble bath than we got out put on pants leaving us shirtless then we took a picture than we went to bed but we called Susan and Sam to tell them the kids spend the night then me and Ethan woke back up because it was still daylight then he said I love you and I said I love you too and then he kissed my cheek then he said what do you want to do today I said eat junk food and watch movies and he went downstairs to get the junk food and came back up then we watched get out than we finished the movie and he said more movies than we watch Harold and Umar (I think that's how you spell it) it was funny we kept laughing that how good it was than I said Ethan and he said hmm I said how did I get so lucky and he said I don't know then he said how did I get so lucky to have a husband/brother /friend that's you and I said maybe it was ment to be and he said dreams do work and we kissed again then we went to a carnavel and I said oh look at that big bear and he said I will win it for you and he payed the guy and the guy said witch one and I pointed to the Tiger and Ethan won it then he said you want to ride the Farris well and I said yes than we on and the lady said you can't bring that on the ride than I said can you hold on to it for me and she said sure than me and rlethan got buckled up and Ethan said when I say kissed me kiss me than we rode than he said kiss me and I did as he told me than the ride was over and got off and Ethan paid for are picture than we went to stop for some food we had CICI pizza because we love pizza than we made are own pizza we made a pinapple pizza than after we ate we played more games then he said Happy Anaversry babe and I said same to you babe than we played more games then we went home to watch more movies than we went to bed today was the best Anaversry ever

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