Going back home

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When I woke up Ethan and everybody else was sleep I woke up Ethan he didn't wake up at first then I kissed him on the lips he woke up then I said babe and he said hmm and i said get up I want to go to the movies and he said fine then we took a shower then left a note to Sam and Susan saying

Dear Sam and Susan
We went to the movies to watch the new movie that just came out and we left 4 tickets on the counter so when you wake up you and the kids can meet us their anyways make sure the kids take a shower and tell them we love them see you guys soon oh the movie were going to see is the movie Wonder Woman
Love Ethan and Grayson 

Ethan called the Uber they came then the women said we're you guys want to go and Ethan said the movies she  drove us their then when we got their the women said $20 Ethan paid her then we went in then we went in the women and she said how many adults and I said 4 adults and 4 kids then they paid then then got a bowl of popcorn then 4 cokes then they went to go set down then their phone rang it was Susan and Sam saying their here what movie and I said wonder women then 5 minutes later we saw them and we started waving they came to sit next to us then they said thanks for inviting us and ethan said don't worry about it then we gave them their cokes then  we watched the movie then it was over and we stayed because the kids wanted to play the games while us parents were talking and then Sam said we have to go back to Las Anglas and I said okay and Ethan said ya then we talked more then we watched the kids play then the kids Kristina and Cristopher and jake and Kate came over and said I'm hungry then we said okay were do do you guys want to go eat and they said pizza then we drove the rented car to the pizza place then everybody sat around the table and then we ate and talked then we left and started packing to go back home to LA then
we were done then went to sleep to get rest for tomorrow or big flight
tomorrow do we all went to sleep

We woke up and we got are stuff and we turn the car back in at were we rented it then we took a cab to the airport then we got on the plane then we went back to sleep then I look out the window and saw that we were in the sky then I fell asleep again then when I woke up the pilot said we are now and Las Anglas then I woke everybody up to say we're here they woke up we got off the plain and got are stuff off then we went to are cars Ethan held my bag and his and put it in the back seat and Cristopher and kristina did the Same then we got in are car Ethan driving and me in the passenger seat holding his hand and Sam and Susan and Kate and jake in their their car then we drove to are place and went back to bed god its good to be home again

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