Of Belief Denying

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Tsuna wakes up and sees plain walls accompanied by a plain ceiling.

His breathing is ragged and cold sweat coats his body like a plague.

His heart feels like it's going to pop. A small part of him wished it did.

He closes his eyes and pushes the images away.

(Byakuran burning- again and again. It's never enough. He has to burn more.

A threat. He's a threat that must go.

Finally- fucking finally, the white menace is gone. Tsuna revels in the victory- in the life that is no more.

No one is cheering with him. )

Inhale. Hold. Exhale.

Willing his body to move, Tsuna shakily gets up into a sitting position and stares at a random spot across from him.

He could hear the sounds of children laughing, Bianchi scoffing loudly, his mother giggling.

No explosions. No groans and cries of pain.

Everything is okay. Everything is fine.

No one else is hung up with what happened. No one else wakes up in panic from nightmares. No one else sits and stares at nothing for hours trying to comprehend if what happened truly occurred because why was it only him-

No one else. So, Tsuna shouldn't either.

Finally finding the strength in him to stand up, Tsuna walks over to the door, hands hovering over the handle.

Inhale. Hold. Exhale.

Everything was fine. Tsuna is fine.

Being in the past- the present- helps. It helps because not everything he looks at seems so out of place from what he was used to.

It was easy to forget it even happened.

So easy.

Tsuna opens the door. The handle twists easily and the door opens with ease and yet he found it so difficult to keep going.


Life continues on. The world continues spinning. And school continues to exist.

"It's not easy but it gets better." Were Reborn's words true? Because it doesn't seem like it'll get better.

His everyday life has a new pattern. Wake up in sweat at 4 am, take a cold shower- his hands are searing always hot always so hot- and stand there for hours.

Stay until when he comes out it isn't at some kind of ungodly hour but at a reasonable time to start getting ready for school.

Every day he forces himself to look at his reflection. Forces himself to look at the person he doesn't recognize anymore. He looks at the boy who looks like the war- because it was a war and no one can convince him otherwise- had never ended.

The war lived in him.

Everyday Tsuna whispers, over and over again to this boy. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry, I'm sorry-"

"Please smile." He croaks out. "Please smile, there are people who need you to smile."

But he doesn't so Tsuna does it for him. It feels like dead weight.


Tsuna was foolish- always so dumb that it hurts- and had underestimated his friends.

Of course, they would notice, Tsuna thought to himself. What kind of idiot wouldn't?

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