Chapter 1

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"Get your ass up you little slut!" Phil yelled slamming my door open. 'Ugh, hasn't he ever heard of knocking.' I get up from my mattress on the floor and grab the closest pair of pants I could find.
'Wore these two days ago, but they should be fine. I slipped them on and headed downstairs hoping there was something in the fridge to calm the beast in my stomach. 
I opened the door finding only ketchup and some tortillas. What was I supposed to make, a ketchup wrap? Yeah, no thanks. I'd rather starve. I looked up in the cupboard. A can of spinach...I could live with that.
Looking for a can opener, Phil entered the kitchen starting his day with a can of cheap beer.
"Could I have some money for groceries?" I asked not turning around to look at him. I could hear him grumbling as he reached for his wallet in his back pocket. He throw a few $20 bills on the counter. "Be sure to pick up some more beer while your out." With that he went to the living room to sit in his big chair and drink for the rest of the day.
I grabbed the money and finished my bowl of unappealing spinach and left heading to the hell known as school.
It was a 10 minute walk from my house to the school.  If I didn't have my playlist of music on my out dated phone, I probably wouldn't make it to school.
'RINNNNGGGG' The bell for first period rang. If I didn't hurry then I would be late. Phil would hear about it and when I got home, I would get beaten.
I raced down the empty hallway to History. I hated this class. The entire class was full of fake ass people who didnt accept you unless you had the latest clothes or technology.

When I arrived in the classroom, the only seat left was one directly up front giving the teacher a clear view to me. 'FUCK'

'Yes! I made it in time!' Soon the teacher walked in and started talking about stuff nobody cared about. I looked out the window and soon lost and focus on the world around me.

The rest of the day passed in a blur. It all seemed the same nowadays. I've been in this stupid town for 7 years. Mom died 2 years ago a leaving me with Phil. When I was a baby, my dad couldn't deal with having a kid so he left. I've never met the man.

Mom died in a car crash coming home from work. She was a nurse, and a damn good one. Phil went off the deep end after that. He started drink and taking all his frustration out of me. After a while, I grew used to his punches and kicks.

The last bell rang, I let out a breath of relief and headed out of the building. Outside was standing the cheerleaders of Ravenfield High along with their stereotypical football boyfriends.

The head cheerleader pushed me when I came out making me land on the ground. I winced when I landed on the giant bruise on the side of my body. " Watch were your going, you trash." She said flipping her hair over her shoulder laughing with the rest of the group. 

I stood up, brushed my self off and left heading to the store. I entered the Raven field grocery store with the money Phil gave me in my hand.

'Hmm, should probably pick up some bread.' I went up and down the aisles of the store getting everything I needed and Phil's beer.

On my way to the checkout place, a medicine bottle caught my eye. Hydrocodone, this is some strong shit. Looking around for anyone, when I saw there I wasn't anyone around I grabbed the bottle and slipped it into my jacket pocket.
I checked out and headed home. When I arrived, Phil was passed out in his chair, his beer spilted on the wooden floor.
I put all the groceries up and went upstairs. I slipped off my pants to see all of my scars, I slipped two pills in my mouth, put my headphones in and with a drug induced haze, I slipped into a dreamless slumber

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