Chapter 6

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After what seems like a 30-minute car ride, We pulled up to an immoderate old apartment building. I glanced at Jaxon from the corner of my vision, he was looking down at his phone typing out a message. 

He glanced back up and locked eyes with me, "Come on, we have to hurry. They were spotted a couple of blocks from here." He said getting out of the car and motioning me towards the creepy building. Was I going to trust a complete stranger who just took me to a weird building? If this isn't sketchy then I don't know what is.

"What is this place?" I asked sliding out of the car, He just looked at me and started walking towards what I would assume the front door. I followed silently behind him, looking at the back of his head when I noticed a tattoo coming up from the top of his shirt covering half of his neck.  It looked like black vines wrapping around his skin not letting go. 

When we entered the building, the air was filled with dust and the smell of old books. Again, I asked, "What is this place?"  He didn't respond to my question and made his way up a set of stairs I hadn't seen until now. "Whatever questions you have will be answered when we get to safety," he mumbled on the second set of stairs. 

We stopped in front of a black metal door that looked like it hadn't been opened in the longest time. He grabbed the door and shoved it open, releasing a huge gust of wind covering us in the dust of who knows of how long the door had been closed off.   

We entered the room and all I saw were walls covered in books all the way to the ceiling. He shut the door behind us leaving us in complete darkness. I looked around frantically trying to find any light, I couldn't stand being in complete darkness.

Jaxon felt around the room and suddenly lit a candle, relaxing me instantly.  "Okay, ask your questions," he said looking at me with a solemn look on his face .

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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