Chapter 1

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Daveed was walking down the streets of NYC, looking for a good restaurant or a good place to get takeout, anything to eat for that matter. He wasn’t paying attention, and ran into a girl, spilling his coffee on her. “Watch. Where. You are going.” She spoke through gritted teeth, “Miss I am-“ she cut his apology off quickly. “Save it.” And walked off, ‘Damnit, this couldn’t get any worse could it.’ He turned back to see her gone, nowhere in sight.


Daveed had gotten an offer from a longtime friend, Lin Manuel Miranda for a Broadway musical, Hamilton. Daveed accepted the offer, and was now headed for the auditions. He saw multiple people lined up inside the building, including one familiar face. The woman that he had accidentally spilt coffee on 2 weeks ago, yes he still remembered that. He got in line behind her, she didn’t notice that anyone had gotten behind her for that matter and just continued scrolling on her phone and sometimes responding to a text message. He didn’t say anything, he didn’t want to make her dislike him if she even did, even more than she possibly already did. Her name was then called, “Y/N L/N?” Lin called, the woman looked up and smiled slightly, walking up to Lin and the others, “I’m Y/N L/N and I’ll be auditioning for (Role)” Lin nodded and she began singing.

Daveed had never heard anything like her voice in his life, her voice was silky and smooth, no voice cracks or anything. Her pitch and voice range was perfect, he had zoned out until she finished and walked passed Daveed and exited the building. “Daveed Diggs?” He heard his name called by Lin with a smile,


Daveed had gotten a call by Lin, he had gotten the part of Thomas Jefferson/Lafayette! He was happy, but he wondered what Y/N had gotten, had she gotten the role that she wanted? He hoped so. Why was he always thinking about this girl he didn’t even know? She was just so intriguing to him. The first role through of the play was 2 days from then, so he had quite a while to prepare himself for the chaos that was about to happen with this musical. All the practices, meeting new people, stress of getting ready in time for the show. Also, they might be going on Broadway if they do well enough off Broadway. Then, he sat down on the couch and turned on Netflix, might as well do something before he goes out to get dinner, as he didn’t feel like cooking at the time.


Daveed walked into the theater for Hamilton’s first rehearsal. “Okay! So today won’t be as serious since it’s our first rehearsal, so first were going to introduce ourselves! I’ll go first, I’m Lin and I’ll be playing Alexander Hamilton. Next!” Everyone went down the line until it was Y/N’s turn, “I’m Y/N and I’ll be playing (role).” Y/N smiled at everyone and turned to Daveed, smiling less, bus still smiling. Sort-of like it was fake, “My names Daveed and I’ll be playing Thomas Jefferson and Lafayette.” And a few more people went until everyone was then introduced, “So we’ll go over the songs and some choreography, and were done for the day and well go out for dinner!” Lin said excitedly, clapping his hands like a 5 year old a few times.

Rehearsal started and Daveed looked at Y/N, she was wearing (Favorite Outfit) which fit her body type perfectly. Y/N looked at Daveed and raised her eyebrow at him, he turned red and looked away, ‘Damnit, I zoned out without realizing, Damnit Damnit Damnit.’ He mentally facepalmed and looked at her again, she was red too and smiling a bit, mumbling something to herself, he many not know what she said, but it made her even more adorable in his eyes.

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