Chapter 8

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Y/N groaned, "can you two shoo?" She said, getting agitated. "What, you wanna wake him up and have a make out session?" Oak asked, trying to hold back laughter. Y/N got up and walked over to him, standing in her tip-toes so she could be face to face with Oak. "Try. Me." She growled, walking off to her bedroom to get something, "Jesus Christ." Anthony said, surprised. Y/N came back with an air-horn, she pressed the button, so it made the loudest sound possible. It woke up Diggs of coures, "wHAT THE FUCK?!" He screamed, while everyone else was in the floor laughing, Daveed was sitting there with a pouty look on his face. "Who did that?!" He semi-yelled, pointing at the air-horn, "Me-" Y/N said, trying to catch her breath. "Why?!" He asked, looking at her, "because I wanted to use it somehow." She giggled, walking over to him and hugging him, "I'm sorry, dav." She apologised, still smiling. Daveed sighed and hugged her back, "fine, I forgive you." He huffed, Oak and Anthony smirked at each other and silently walked out. "They tried to hook us up again huh?" He asked, once the two released, "mhm," Y/N hummed in agreement looking at the door and smiling a bit. "You know you're pretty right?" Daveed asked absent-mindedly, he instantly covered his mouth, "Thanks, Dav. You're not to bad yourself." Y/N giggled. "I am offended!" Daveed gasped, putting his hand over his heart mockingly, "Calm down drama queen." Y/N said, smiling at him.

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