Chapter 2

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                                                                           Laura's POV

After the auditions, I couldn't keep her off my mind, her perfect blue eyes and her straight blonde hair, straight, what if she's straight. Shit Laura get a hold of yourself you have more important things to think about; I thought to myself. I hopped on my motorcycle, slid my helmet over my head and headed home in a hurry.

                                                                         Taylor's POV

That night after auditions I couldn't get Laura out of my head she was so beautiful, so perfect, she felt almost inevitable as if after today she would be a permanent resident in my life and in my mind. Her amazing green eyes, her long jet black hair. I couldn't sleep, thinking about Laura, what it would be like to work with her, my mind drifted towards her lips, I let it until I realized what I was thinking, I snapped up right in bed and stopped the thought. I tossed and turned for a while before I got up and decided to get up and grab a glass of water, with a glass of cold water in my hand I looked out the kitchen window, it was a beautiful night. I finished my water and headed back up stairs to bed.

I woke up the next morning to the sun in my face, it was too bright. I got up and closed the curtains, I walked to the kitchen for some breakfast, I didn't have much in the house, I decided on a ham and cheese omelet. After breakfast I went for a shower, I got changed into black skinny jeans and a flannel shirt. I was watching a movie on my couch when I got a call, it was my agent. I answered "What's up?" "You got the part of Piper on Orange is the new black" "Really?" I almost squealed back "Yeah. They want you on set on Monday at 7am" "Alright, thank you" I replied before hanging up. The only thought that was going through my head was did Laura get in too. Who is she playing? But I couldn't call or text her and ask cause I didn't have her number, my entire future with that girl is based on whether or not she got a part for whatever that future might be.

Monday rolled around rather quickly; I woke up to my 5am alarm, had a quick breakfast, jumped in the shower and got dressed into a pair of black skinny jeans and a black t shirt. I had some time to kill before filming started so I grabbed a cup of coffee from Starbucks before heading to the filming location in my silver car, I walked into my trailer and sat down, moments later there was knock on the door, I open it and to my disappointment it was a guy telling me my first scene was in 5, I told him thank you, gathered my thoughts and headed over. The first scene was a naked shower scene with me playing Piper and whoever was playing Alex. I came out of the dressing room in nothing but my robe; I walked over to the shower, physically ready for the scene but mentally worried about who my co star was. "Give us a minute, Taylor" Jenji said walking to the dressing rooms to talk to the co star. "What's going on?" I asked one of the camera crew, "The other girl is worried about the scene" he replied disinterested. "Alright" Jenji called walking back to her position. I nearly fell over when I saw her walk out; long black hair, emerald green eyes; it was Laura. She walked towards me, "Taylor" she said in her husky voice. I couldn't breathe, I just met her now I have to do a naked shower scene with her, are you fucking kidding me, I thought to myself. "Are you ready?" she asked looking nervous, "Sure thing" I replied, she raised an eyebrow at me sensing my lie. "Alright, Laura you first, please" Jenji called. Laura proceeded to strip her robe and get into the shower, her curves were perfect and her boobs, and oh god her boobs were perfect too. I was staring at her, I couldn't help it she was so beautiful. "Taylor, you're up" Jenji called. I snapped out of it and nervously took my robe off and joined Laura in the shower. She gently rested her hands on my hips "it's one scene, you're okay" Laura whispered to me feeling how tense I was; I looked up to meet her eyes and relaxed, her lips met mine in a kiss burning with desire leaving me wanting more. "Cut!" Jenji let out, Laura's lips disconnected from mine too soon for my liking. We shot a few more boring scenes after that. I was heading to my car to go home when I heard my name.

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