Chapter 4

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                                                                              Laura's POV

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                                                                              Laura's POV

Taylor wanted me to stay over again last night so I did, today was the day of her grandmother's funeral. I woke up with her in my arms, I couldn't see her face so I asked "Taylor, are you awake?" she responded quickly looking up at me "Yeah". "Do you want breakfast?" I asked, getting out of bed, "I'm not really hungry" she replied. "Tay, you have to eat something" I said in an assertive tone. "Okay, mum I'll have something but only if you make it" she replied "Hold up, did you just call me 'Tay'?" She asked in a tired and surprised voice. "Maybe" I replied trying not to laugh. She sat up, cleared her throat, looked me dead in the eye and said, "I like it". I stifled a laugh. "Come on, breakfast now" I said. She groaned and buried her head in the pillow, "Do I have to carry you down stairs?" I asked sarcastically "You can try" she replied, lifting her head from the pillow and giving me an enticing look. "Alright, if that's how you want to play this then you're on" I said as I walked around to the side of the bed she was on. I put one arm under her knees and the other under back, "Put your arms around my neck" I requested, she obliged as I scooped her up bridal style her almost effortlessly. She looked at me surprised that I could lift her. I carried her down stairs and plopped her down on the couch, looking down at her I asked "so what am I making you for breakfast?" "I really don't care!" she replied with an irritated tone and expression. I stood there trying to gauge the situation; Taylor was staring out the window. Considering her current state of mind I decided to let it slide, I was just going to go make her something and hope she'd eat it. I had a look at what she had in her fridge and choose to make some pancakes. I was cooking the pancake when I felt Taylors arms wrap around my waist, "I'm sorry I snapped at you, I don't know where it came from" she said before she kissed my cheek and rested her head on my shoulder. "It's okay. You're going through a lot, I get it" I replied. "Do you want a cup of coffee?" she asked. "Oh god yes" I replied, she laughed letting go of my waist to put the kettle on.

                                                                            Taylor's POV

Laura and I sat at the table and ate in almost complete silence, I wanted to talk to her but no words would come out, I wanted to look her in the eye but I knew if I did I'd end up crying. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her look at me every now and then. Laura got up and grabbed both of our empty mugs and plates and put them in the sink. She sat back down where she had been sitting, propped her head up on her hand and stared at me. I shifted my eyes around awkwardly, looking anywhere but at her. "Taylor, I'm not going to stop staring at you until you look me in the eye" I eventually looked her in the eye tentatively. She looked me in the eye for a few seconds before giving me an empathetic look. I felt a warm tear roll down my cheek "You can't keep your emotions bottled up like that, it'll kill you" she said before getting up, holding out her arms and saying "come here". I got up and fell apart in her arms, "its okay, I've got you" she whisper in my ear.

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