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Unfortunately, I didn't see Steph on my way home so I prayed hard that she just went straight here in our house.

As I entered, I quickly headed to her room and opened the door. I sighed in relief when I saw her.

Oh no, shit. 

She's packing her clothes!

Without her permission, I entered her room and held her wrists but she still continued to pack her things.

I grabbed her and hugged her tightly then she started to cry and sob loud.

"I'm sorry Steph, Mi young didn't mean that," I said as I patted her head.

"She's right! You're just being kind and friendly and I'm taking advantage of it! Taeyeon... I'm just a burden to you!" She managed to say while crying. She buried her face on my shoulder as she sniffled.

I don't like to see her crying, I know she was hurt and I want to take all of the pain in her heart. She deserve better.

Stephanie needs to be treated better, she needs family and she needs to feel important and be loved.

"Please don't leave Steph, just stay here amd don't mind what Mi young said," I tried to convince her.

After awhile, Stephanie seemed to calm down but she still sniffles. I made her sit on the bed and I did the same.

I looked at her face and wiped her tears, her eyes were reddened and it showed dejection.

"I'm sorry for what my brother did to you Taeyeon, I hate him for that. I can bear it when he beat me but this is different, he hurt you. I feel that it's my fault because you got involved in my life," her voice was shaking.

"Don't blame yourself Steph, it's not your fault. And I'm okay now, don't worry I'll ask Aunt Erika to file a case. I mean, restraining order to your brother so he won't bother us. Is that okay?" I held her hands and rubbed it with my thumbs.

Stephanie nodded "I'm scared of him, he totally changed. I don't know him anymore."

"He will never gonna hurt you again Steph, he will never gonna hurt any of us, I promise," I said staring straight in her eyes. I wanted to reassure her that she's safe here with us.

"Thank you Taeyeon," she smiled as she met my gaze.

Stephanie leaned forward and kissed my forehead "You're so caring, I'm so thankful to have you."

"I'm just doing this because we're friends and about Mi young, I know she didn't mean to say that. I'm sorry," Yeah, about that, I don't know what happened to Mi young but I know it's just on the spur of the moment and it's not her intention.

"I know, she's just jealous to me," I raised a brow.

"Huh? What do you mean?"Jealous? Nah. But she kept insisting that Stephanie likes me.

"She can feel that I like you Taeyeon and I understand her," she frankly said.

My eyes went round as my mouth agape, I was stunned with what she said. She likes me?

"I mean it Taeyeon, I really like you."

My eyebrows snapped together, she likes me but I have my girlfriend and she's just a friend to me.

"Don't worry Taetae, I know you really love Mi young and I will not force myself to you or insist my feelings. I love how we are now, friends," Steph clearly said and I'm glad to hear that.

I smiled at her showing that I'm happy with what she said.

"I will stay here and always be here for you as friend, as family."

I nodded "Yes, we are family now Steph."

"By the way, let's put some medicine on your bruises Taetae. I'm really bother with it," I chuckled.


I'm happy that she will stay and everything is distinct now. I feel so much better but I'm worried with Mi young. Maybe she's mad at me because I didn't tolerate her action.

I didn't like what she said but now I know why, she's being jealous and insecure. I don't want her to think like that because she's the only one in my heart.

I need to make her realize that.

I will make her realize that.

Because I love her so much.


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