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Mi young's POV

The next day, lunch time in the canteen.

I was sitting next to Taeyeon while Stephanie was in front of us. She looked really happy right now while we're eating our lunch.

Taeyeon was just focused on her meal, I kept glancing at her. I don't like the silent treatment.

"Um... H-how's your date last night?" I asked.

Taeyeon looked at me in disbelief and sighed "It's fine, just a friendly date."

"Are you still mad?"

"I'm not mad Mi young, I know that you're not ready and I'm not forcing you." She just care about me, not what she feels.

Then Roxanne spoke on the stage with mic. Yeah, there's improvised stage here in the canteen. I don't know if there's even here or whatever.

"Good afternoon everyone! Maybe y'all wondering why we have a stage here right?"

Some people nodded.

"We have stage here because someone will serenade us!" She squealed.

I rolled my eyes, I don't care about this. I want to have quality time with Taeyeon. I want to talk to her.

"She will serenade us and dedicated that song to her special someone," Roxanne announced.

I noticed that Taeyeon froze, her mouth was slightly opened while looking shocked at Roxanne.

"Oh no..." I heard her mumbled.

"Let's welcome to stage! Miss Kim Taeyeon!" Roxanne cheerfully said.

The people in the canteen gave her a round of applause. Taeyeon was shaking her head while smiling sheepishly.

"Oh come on Taeyeonie! I made this for you. Come on, just one song. The one you told me last night! Please..." Roxanne requested.

Taeyeon stood up as she drew in a long breath, she glanced at me before going to stage.

What's going on?

Taeyeon took the mic from Roxanne and they chatted for few moments then Roxanne briefly hugged my Tae. I scoffed, why did she need to be touchy with my girlfriend?

Now, everybody's attention was on Taeyeon and she's holding the mic.

"Whew... so, this is so unexpected. Uh... I will sing... I guess... Yeah..." She said while scratching her head.

Taeyeon sighed heavily and she looked at me "Okay, I will dedicate this song to my special someone. Yeah, it's a girl. You can call me whatever you want... a lesbian, bisexual or even a dyke but it wasn't I am. I don't care if you're talking behind my back but I'm just being me. You can mock me or humiliate me, it's okay... but this is me. I just love a girl but only one girl."

She said not breaking our eye contact, my tears were threatening to fall. How could I be so blind? I'm so stupid to deny her.

"Being lesbian or whatever it is doesn't define my personality because actually, I'm not into girls. It just happened that I love her, that I followed my heart. I will wait her and I will never force her to me because I love her. This song is dedicated for her." Taeyeon cleared her throat.

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