Splash Wars

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The days grew longer and the air crisper as summer withered into the first hints of autumn. I hadn't really thought much about school all summer, but now that it got closer it loomed heavier and heavier over my head.

It was not going to be anything like my old private school in Dallas, considering this one only had three other people in my grade.

Still, I felt more confident joining this small circle of people knowing Nate would be there as well. He told me how it works already so I don't go in looking like a lost puppy. He also told me about the two other kids that would soon be my classmates.

One was a hyper, bubbly girl whose infectious personality, according to Nate, could make you go mad after a while, and the other was a shy, conservative boy, who was very focused on his grades.

He nagged me for weeks, until I agreed to try to get to know Ellie, the girl. I guess he was worried about my constant mourning of my old friends and life. No matter how many times I told him that I had him, he still urged me to make another friend.

Sometimes there's something I can't quite place about him. At times when I tried to talk to him about how glad I was to have known someone here, he would silently nod and then look away, like he didn't want me to need him so much.

But if he wanted it so bad, I guess I could try to interact with people for once.

Sometimes I resented social butterflies.


The last morning before school, I sat on my bed reading yet another book. I cherished the last few days of my free time and sat quietly as the early sun streamed through my windows.

I jumped as something broke the quiet, thudding against my window. Cursing under my breath, I threw my book down and slid the curtains out of the way.

When I saw the sight below me my anger slowly faded and I let out a supressed laugh. Down in my yard, with pebbles in one hand and a picnic basket in the other, stylishly dressed in hiking boots, cargo shorts, a baseball cap, and a bulky backpack stood Nate, squinting up at my window.

I opened the window, lauging out at the scene before me.

"For some reason," I shouted out between laughs, "When I read Romeo and Juliet this wasn't exactly what I had in mind."

"Sorry to dissapoint Princess." He held up the picnic basket and shook it around a bit. "Up for a hike?"

I smiled and shut the window. My sweatpants and cami were soon swapped out for a pair of khaki shorts, sneakers, and a tee-shirt. I put my hair up in a short french braid and then grabbed a small backpack with some water bottles, bug spray, and some band-aids, just in case.

I ran down the stairs, almost tripping over my own feet. My mom was watching TV in the livingroom and turned around when she heard me stampeding down the stairs. When she saw my outfit her eyebrows furrowed.

"What are you doing?" She questioned.

I bounced toward the door, "Going for a hike, I'll be back later." I was half-way out the door when she answered me.

"Ok.." she said like I was a bit crazy, "Text me will you?"

"I will!" I waved at my mom as I closed the door and didn't turn around until it was too late. I plowed into Nate as he sat impatiently on my front steps, falling over him and rolling onto the grass in front of the steps.

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