Operation B.A.B

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The Olsen and Drummond Clans: Feuding

The ancient Olsen and Drummond Clans continue to feud over land in Scotland. The families both claim that land in western Scotland belongs to them. Police had to break up loud fights late last night when they received complaints from civilians in the surrounding area.

Will the fighting between the Olsen and Drummond clans ever cease?

I sighed after finishing the article, shutting my laptop. Nate was still sleeping soundly on my bed beside me. I still wonder how he sleeps so heavily, and how I managed to untangle myself from him without waking him. Our bodies had been completely entangled with one another, and it took me at least ten minutes to break free, at the same time trying not to disturb Nate. It was just that I really had to pee. I didn't wake Nate up for school, either. I couldn't go back today especially after what happened yesterday. I was scared I would get questions about my scar, and I knew Nate wouldn't mind skipping, my parents wouldn't either. I couldn't fall asleep after I returned to bed, so I decided to read up on more information about the ruins.

Looking down at Nate, I softly laughed at how cute he looked all tangled up in the sheets with his messy hair. Slowly reaching out my hand, I ran my fingers through it, loving the feather like feel of it in between my fingers. He released a soft moan when I pulled my hand away.

His eyes slowly opened to look at me and he smiled. "Morning."

I was about to respond when my bedroom door opened and Annie came running in, jumping on Nate. He let out an oof, looking confused at his little sister.

She smiled at him. "Did you tell Avery about operation B.A.B?" She squealed.

I rose my eyebrow at Nate as he looked sheepishly at me. "I never got the chance to explain to her."

"Well can we go today?" She asked.

Nate nodded. "Yeah, Annie. Today's a good day to go." He looked down at her, noticing she was fully dressed in a little sailor's dress that looked darling on her. "You stay here with Ave while I go get ready." Annie nodded and Nate gently set her back down on the bed as he got up and left. I looked at Annie's wild mane of curls and smiled when she smiled.

"Annie, want me to do your hair?" She smiled, nodding excitedly.

I put her in a chair in my bathroom and gently worked through the tangles with a brush as she swung her legs up and down. I smirked, thinking it was funny how little kids could not stay still for more than ten seconds. I finished the French braid I pulled her hair into with a little white bow that matched her dress and she smiled as she looked at her reflection.

"I look like a princess!" She turned around and hugged me around my neck.

"Yeah, Annie. You do look like a princess," I told her laughing.

Nate walked in, fully dressed with damp hair. How do boys shower so fast? I guess it's just an unanswered question of the universe. He crossed his arms and leaned in the doorway, wearing his favorite smirk.

Annie jumped off of the chair. "Look Nate. I looks like a princess."

Nate beamed down at her before looking at me. "Yeah, you do."

She laughed, twirling around and admiring herself in the mirror. I hope it's this easy to please her when she grows up. "Annie let's go wait downstairs while Avery gets ready." Annie followed Nate out of the room, closing the door behind them.

I took a very fast shower, hoping I showered as fast as Nate had, and pulled on a casual outfit. My hair was still dripping wet, so I pulled it into a French braid, matching Annie's. It had gotten a little longer since we moved here and now reached my shoulder blades. It needed a cut.

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