A Bad Boy Afraid of Rats

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The following Monday was a dreary day, and a thick sheet of fog covered the ground. When I finally rolled out of bed and turned off the persistent alarm clock that blared the most annoying, repetitive Katy Perry song, I smiled remembering my night with Nate. We had spent it in the bed of his truck, gazing at the beautiful stretch of stars above us. I was giddy until I remembered school. Groaning, I dragged myself into the bathroom and made myself look barely descent, as well as brushing my teeth.

I really had no one to impress, though Ellie might argue, but there were only two guys in our class. Nate had already seen me at my worst, and I doubt Warren had even a slight interest in my outfit of the day. I decided to go comfy and wear a pair of faded jeans and one of Alex's old tie dye t-shirts. I realized that the beanie Nate let me borrow matched perfectly, so I concluded that it pulled the outfit together and pulled it over my messy hair.

"Morning," I greeted Nate and my parents who were currently spread out in the kitchen. They all greeted me before Nate looked up, smiling when he saw the beanie I was sporting.

"Nice hat." He smirked. I'd like to believe that exact smirk was just for me, because he always wore it when we were together.

"Nice face," I deadpanned, sticking my tongue out at him. He scoffed at my behavior, before sticking his tongue out at me.

My father rolled his eyes as he read the newspaper, and my mother chuckled. "Play nice you two," they said in unison.

Nate looked at both of them with wide eyes. He looked so cute, just like a puppy. "That was super creepy," he said.

My parents laughed at the same time, and stopped at the same time. Nate gasped, and I laughed. "Nate, don't try to understand it. They've been doing this for years, and I still get creeped out by it. But, you learn to live with it, ignore it."

He still had an incredulous look plastered on his face as we said our goodbyes, and headed out for school. The ride almost had me falling asleep in Nate's truck, but we pulled into the parking lot before I got the chance. I sighed dramatically before unhappily opening my door as Nate did the same.

"What's got your panties in a twist?" He chuckled.

I frowned. "School."

Nate nodded, understanding as he threw a strap of his backpack over his shoulder. As we made our way down the hallway, he un expectantly poked my side causing me to let out an unattractive bark of laughter. A couple of people stared oddly at me, and I turned and glared at Nate. "What was that for, Cooper?"

He gave me his famous smirk. The Avery smirk. "I was trying to cheer you up, make you smile, Olsen."

Before I could say anything, Ellie joined us. "AWWW," she cooed loudly. "NATE YOU'RE SO CUTE!" She shouted making a reading Warren jump as we took our seats.

"Jesus, Ellie. Tell the whole world, why don't you," he mumbled as he got up to join us in the back.

I scoffed. "Really. Could you be any louder?" She scowled crossing her arms and mumbling a 'whatever'.

We all laughed at her behavior. "You know, Ave, your outfit looks really nice. That hat pulls it together. You look good, babe." Ellie nodded in approval, giving me a once over.

I grinned up at Nate, sharing a secret look with him before turning my attention back to Ellie. "Thanks, Ell."

Class drawled on, and was extremely bleak until our teacher announced were going to do a group lab. Since there are only four of us in our class, we all sat down at a large table in the back of the room. Ellie sat next to me as Nate sat across from me next to Warren.

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