Chapter 4

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I was 16 when we landed on the strange planet. It was filled with strange and beautiful flowers and other flora and fauna. There were several different kinds of creatures, all with strange names, such as Njolds and Jorgamunds. They were horrific beasts, but they all seemed to be working, no, slaving over the plants. It seemed as if they were farming. I had recognized some of the plants to be fruits, such as apples and a new fruit we discovered called oranges. They had also eaten the poisonous plant called tomato.

The alien slaves and I, along with the few fellow settlers remaining, had begun to plan a revolt. They have named me the leader, although I don't know why. I'm not the leader type. We were to revolt that night, going to attack them in their slumber, whereas living in this beautiful world to be only lowly slaves, unable to explore and thrive, is an affliction to all of us. The beasts hit us, abused us, and slaughtered us, without a second thought. There was a rumor that the beasts themselves had once been slaves, and they overthrew and destroyed every single one of their masters.

That didn't explain the cruelty of the beasts. They had experienced the pain that we felt, and they still planned on using it.

We entered the fort, walking as quietly as a mouse. It was the dead of night, and entering the house was a true challenge, for there were twigs everywhere. The tiniest misstep would’ve been chaotic, for we wouldn’t have survived. Suddenly, the floor collapsed and opened up into a hole. We all fell in.

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