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"ARGH" You exclaimed slowly opening your eyes. "Get off me Gaston!" You yelled at your small dog who likes to cover your face with saliva every morning. "I was having such a great dream but you ruined it!" You said while picking up your phone from the small table beside your bed.
Shit. Shit shit shit. You thought while realizing that you were already late.
"Already 7:48!!" You immediately yelled in panic. Rushing to the washroom, you took a glance at yourself in the mirror.

You have a petite body but you are very strong. Your small height and your muscle looks very pretty. You don't have the ability to gain muscle as well as some people do so your muscles are not very defined but you know as a fact that you are strong and in great shape.
You stared at yourself for a while.
Your thick jet black hair was all messy and your dark brown eyes looked tired. You groaned seeing tired features, small dark circles and face a little swollen, it's spring and you're allergic to pollen.
You examined your face hesitating if you should put on light makeup or not. You decided not to because you were running really late now.
You quickly changed in some comfortable clothes grabbed your bag and tied up your hair up in a messy ponytail.
"Wow I look very tired piece of crap. Oh well." you stated to yourself not really caring about your image most of the time. Trying to look pretty never really was a priority for you. Of course most days, when you weren't late, you made yourself look pretty by making yourself look more feminine and wearing clothes that make your curves look good. But that day was not today.
Sprinting down the stairs, you grabbed your keys, kissed goodbye your dog on the forehead and quickly ran to the bus stop. As soon as you hopped on the bus, you took out your phone out and immediately plugged in your earphones jamming to rap.
As soon as you started to relax, a creepy dude started checking you out. He wasn't even trying to hide it. A mix of disgust and shyness grew inside you. "I just wanted to be left aloooonnne. What does this old perv wants??? Like guhfujvddfh don't." you thought.
Liking his lips the suspicious or as you call every old creep, "dried Cheetos", said:
"Hi babydoll. The weather is
really good today but not as good as as good looking you are." Ew what was even that? You can't even call
that a pickup line. Was too lame to be one. Dried Cheetos of the day sucked at charming.
"Oh hi." You answered shyly looking at the ground. The thing with you is that you always have comeback or roast people in your head or even sometimes, have little imagination party where you eat skittles and cake and cotton candy while- focus y/n that's another story for another time. But when it comes to actually expressing your feelings, the only two people you're comfortable sharing what's on your mind with are your best friend and Gaston.
Great. Now everybody's starring. Thank you rude sir dried Cheetos. You thought clenching your fist. Your fist were always the best tools you had to show your feelings. Somehow, people always understood when you talked with your fists... I wonder why...
Suddenly the bus stopped. You raised your head and realized you already arrived at your destination
"Gotta go!" You said loudly so everyone could hear and hopped off the bus rushing towards the school. Bye losers see ya. Hearing footsteps behind you, you looked over your shoulder. Seeing dried Cheetos didn't surprise you but really made you lose hope in humankind.
Please don't follow me. Please don't you old creep.  It's still early. You thought, looking over your shoulder again How great. He's still following. You won't quit will ya?

Yoongi's P/O
I was going to school walking to warm up a little when suddenly I saw this girl. Yup she was good looking, but I  look better. I mean I look fantastic. What actually caught my eye was how uncomfortable her walking  looked.
Suddenly I saw an old weirdo following her. I accelerated my pace and followed them from just a few meters behind the old perv, to make sure she's safe. Not that I care tough. Wow, I'm so nice I deserve an award. Why do I care? She's just a random random girl. Pff not like I care. I tried convincing myself.
I tried changing direction when I suddenly saw the girl entering an alley. Wtf is she doing? Looking for trouble? Wow she desperately needs attention it seems. Too bad for her. Goodbye. But I couldn't bring myself  to let her alone in such danger. When I made eye contact with the creeper who was grinning and taking out his knife I knew she needed my help.
"Argh! Ok fine! I'm gonna save you stranger." Before turning around, I heard a weird sound. Like a body hitting the ground. When I turned around he saw the man laying in the dark alley unconscious.

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