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"GOOOOOOODDD MORNINGGG DEAR RROOMMAATTE!" He said openning the door wide open.

"Do you have something to say to the broadcast, hyung?"

"Jimin get out of my room right now."

"Or what?" Jimin said, smirking.

"JUst get out! Now! Or I swear to g-"

"Ok ok fine then. Just know that Jin made breakfast and I  can't guaranty that there's going to be any food left when you actually get up."

"Yeah yeah whatever. Now leave." I said slowly drifting away to dreamland, once again.

"YA WAKE UP YOU SLOTH!!" Jin said screaming furiously at you sleeping body.

"What do you want."  You said without even needing to open your eyes to know that's it's Soekjin yelling at you.

"You are gonna get up, and you are going to come downstairs and eat breakfast with the rest of the bros right now. No discussion."

"I'm not hungry." he said tiredly.

"I dont remember asking if you were."

"Argh. Ok fine. Im coming." He said slowly opening his eyes. They didn't even let him sleep for five more minutes. Aish this hyung. Altough he wasn't furious; being woken up by BTS members was a habit since they first started living together a couple of months ago. All the members always had a blast together.

He got up and reached for a nearby sweater and quickly out it on before going down the stairs.

"Good morning, hyung." JungKook happily said.

"hey." He answered still not fully awake.

"How did you slee-WOAH JIN YOU MADE PANCAKES?" Taehyung screamed in the house.

Yoongi was happy Tae got unfocused by the pancakes. This way, he  wouldn't have to talk. But his uestion reminded him of his night. All night he tought of her. How her face was just perfect and how every inch seemed to be placed by god himself. To himshe was just perfect. But that's not what kept him from sleeping. What took his slep away was the fact that back at the gym, he was too coward to even talk to her.

how he wants to go back with jimin

jimin tougth the cute girl h was talking about was et

estomac gargouille pi jin va faire genre told uuuu


caugth her singing or rapping

involve all members

wants to go go w jimin bc too shy to go alone sam efor yn but with et

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