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Your P/O
"E-T!!!!!" You yelled and waved at the tall and thin girl on the other side of the gym.
She has long dark hair and naturally tanned skin. Her pastel blue shorts and light pink t-shirt fits her perfectly like all of her clothes fit her. Everyone calls E-T because nobody knows her name.
Her charming smile reminds you of the first time you met her.
"Huh" you said seeing the a little girl crying in the corner
slowly walking towards her. You sat beside her.
"Hi!" You said sweetly, smiling.
"Hello" she said between two soft sobs.
"I'm y/n! I'm 4 years old. My favorite color is green and my favorite animal is the shark!" You said showing all your baby teeth.
"What's your name?"you asked her.
"I don't remember ." She said still crying. Saying that sentence just made her sadder. You realized that you hurt her and tried to fix your actions.
"That's okay." you said huggin her.
"My mom always writes my name on my clothe's tag. Maybe it's written on yours!" You said, now feeling sad too. "Can I look?"
"Sure." The brunette answered almost not crying anymore due to the sudden comfort.
"It's only written E and T. Do you know what it stands for?"
"No.." She said crying more.
Eyes widen, you pat her back just like your mother does your sad. "Ok then ill call you ET, where are your mom and dad?"
"I don't know." she said between two sobs.
"Really? Then where is your house?"
"I don't have one."
"Yes," she said, warm tears falling on her soft cheeks.
"That's okay! Maybe you can come to my house! My parents are always out of the country and my nanny said I can bring a friend home if I want to."
"Really?" She said, her heart full of hope again.
"Of course!"you said, squeaking.
"Do you want to be my best friend?" She said her eyes glowing in happiness.
"Really? Yes!"

"You're my only friend."

"You're my only friend too."she said hugging me tightly.

They never left each other since then.

{end of flashback}
"HEY GURRRLLLL!" She yelled running towards you. She jumped in your arms and hugged you tightly, almost falling. She is very clumsy.
"These boys behind you are staring again. Stop being so pretty it hurts my eyes." She laughed
"Gurl have you seen yourself. You're the prettiest human being ever."
"Maybe I was."
"Was?" You asked
"Well, look at that boy. You might find him prettier then me."
"Pfft in his dream lol."
You were never really interested in boys. Not that you didn't like them just that ever since you were young, you never trusted boys and you thought they were all the same; assholes. All of that because you never had a dad. You didn't have a mom either but ms. Jeon kind of took that role. So you focused on what you thought was really important; sports and school. Even if numerous boys asked you out, you never actually replied  because you were too scared. But you didn't want anyone to know the real reason so you acted as if you found none of them attractive. Which, of course, was a big lie. That technique  worked well for everyone except your clumsy best friend, E-T, because she can always tell when you're lying.
"Maybe you'll change your mind after seeing him."
"I don't even care stob it."
"Well I would care if I were you."
"Unfortunately you're not me."
"Please he's leaving!!"
"ET stop I'm not looking for someone right now."
"Oh come on he's gone now. Oh wait never mind he's going to the basketball court!" said your over excited best friend only when it comes to finding you a man.
"Really? No. No! This my court! It's always has been mine!"You said, upset.
"Well I guess you won't have a choice but to share and maybe talk to him... Who knows?" She said wiggling her eyebrows.
"...And why would I talk to him?"
"If you do I'm gonna bring you some of my homemade chocolate."
"REALLY?!? Ok then fiinne I'll talk to him but you have to promise me you'll bring some of your chocolate."
"I promise" she said, grabbing your pinky to seal the promise "But first, let me put some makeup on your face."

"Er no thank you I'm already late for practice."
"Please you'll look a bit better if you do so."
"...thank you... I guess? and why would I want to put some makeup on I have no one to impress."
"Okay fine. But I'm telling you, you'll regret once you see him."
"Yeah yeah sure" you said carelessly.

You quickly put on some old black basketball shorts, a black and white sports bra and some basketball shoes.(they're pink because why not)

You entered the gym jamming to your favorite rapper's new mixtape, slowly dribbling and passing the ball between your legs. You felt a bit bitter about this situation, but you decided to let it slide for this once. When you caught sight of the other player, scoring 3 pointers on a row, you were (Jung) shook. (A/N well if I saw yoongi in real life if be more than SHOOK bOI ITS FLIPPIN MIN YOONGI)
You could feel your cheeks blushing to a light shade of pink. When suddenly he turned around looking straight into your eyes. He wiped the pearls of sweat on his forehead, tried to calm his heavy breathing due to physical exercise and then waved at you.
I should have put on her damn makeup. You thought now looking at the ground from shyness the boy caused in your now knotted stomach.

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