e i g h t e e n

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We got to my house and I saw my mom run out to me.

I forced a smile, "Hey mom," She brought me in for a huge hug.

"Oh sweetie, I missed you so much. I'm so glad to see you," She paused and pulled away, "Just not on these terms."

I looked at the ground, "Y-yeah."

She looked to Katie, who was right by my side.

"Katie! I've missed you so much," She grabbed my hand, "Well let's get inside! Its burning hot out here!"

We follow her through my front door.

"Carter, honey, could you show our guests to their rooms please?"

I lead the 2 boys to the guest room across the hall from mine.

Me and Katie left the boys to get settled in their room, and went to my room.

As soon as I stepped into my room, I saw the roses that Luke had given to me in a vase on my window sill, withering.

I let out a sigh.

Katie puts a hand on my back, "I know you miss him. Just don't forget, everything happens for a reason. Luke did what he did, because he was an unhappy person. And no amount of love could've ever changed that."

I nod, knowing she's right. You can't heal someone with depression when they've gotten that low.

My mom calls us down for dinner, so we all run downstairs and sit at the table. Calum is sitting across from me and next to my mom. Wow, awkward, the boy I had sex with is sitting next to the woman that made me.

Calum instantly chomps down all his food, and I just use my fork to move the peas around on my plate.

My dad asks Michael and Calum some questions about the band, and then my mom decides to bring up the funeral. Fucking brilliant, mother.

"So, Luke's parents want me to take you over there tomorrow morning before the funeral to go through his stuff and choose what you want to keep. I suggest you go too, Katie. I'm sure you both will find something."

I stare down at my food, now appearing blurry because of my tears.

"Excuse me," I mutter, getting up from the table and rushing to the bathroom.

I'm not ready to let go, I can't let go.

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